Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

Chapter 1722 Deja vu (3)

The examiner secretly groaned, Elder Sun and President Ye, he couldn't afford to offend both of them!

However, since Ye Xinghua asked, he could only bite the bullet and truthfully narrate what happened just now.

After Ye Xinghua listened, he glanced at Elder Sun coldly.

Although the examiner deliberately skipped the part about Elder Sun's domineering and provocative behavior when he narrated it, Ye Xinghua could easily deduce that Elder Sun must have contributed to the current situation!

Elder Sun shivered when he stared at him.

Ye Xinghua turned his attention to the empty reception hall, "So, so, this young craftsman, not only has the peerless talent to become a fourth-order at the age of fifteen, but... also successfully subdued the strange fire? Elder Sun, what kind of strange fire is that?"

Before Elder Sun answered, the examiner was taken aback, and hurriedly explained: "President Ye,'s not like that, I just think that the energy of the fire is very strong, it's hard to say if it's a strange fire... After all, she only has Fourth order..."

The fourth-level refiner subdued the strange fire, who would believe it, and the examiner didn't want to be treated as a fool...

However, Ye Xinghua didn't listen to what he said, but continued to stare at Elder Sun, "If it wasn't for the real strange fire, how could Elder Sun lose his composure and take the lead in running out? Isn't it?"

Elder Sun lowered his head so low that he couldn't lift it up, knowing that Ye Xinghua had seen him through.

At this point, he could only answer truthfully: "If I'm not mistaken, it should be Ziji Leiyan, one of the top ten different flames... I really don't understand why there are only teenage girls. To be able to subdue such a powerful fire! Moreover, her theoretical level is so high, but her crafting level is so poor, she doesn't even have any rules..."

Ye Xinghua's face showed deep thought, and he shook his head slowly.

"Being able to subdue the strange fire in her teens, this kind of thing happened decades ago... Besides, her level of refining weapons is not too bad, but...too strong! It's just that this kind of refining technique, It sounds really familiar..."



Ye Xinghua's voice was very soft, only Elder Sun and others standing beside him heard it, all of them looked dazed.

Ye Xinghua waved his hand, and suddenly raised his voice and said: "All craftsmen, the situation inside has been cleared by the president. Don't worry, nothing will explode inside. Please don't be alarmed. Now everyone follow me The examiners of the group returned to the certification hall, kept quiet, and continued to conduct the assessment in the original order."

Some refiners still had doubts, after all, the energy fluctuations when Huang Yueli was refining just now were very violent, it was astonishing!

But Ye Xinghua had already spoken, and they could only choose to believe it.

The young craftsmen followed the examiner and returned to the hall. Only Elder Sun stood by the side with his head bowed, embarrassed and guilty, waiting for the president to deal with him.

However, Ye Xinghua didn't say much, but after everyone went in, he pulled up the hat on the cloak to cover his face, and then took off the badge of the eighth-level refiner on his chest.

"President Ye, you..."

"Keep quiet! The president wants to see it for himself!"

After Ye Xinghua gave a warning, he restrained his breath and walked into the certification hall secretly.

Thanks to [Guo Baofen], [Hualuo, Yi], [Phoebe], [Annie], [Book Friends 1023257198], ["Xuanyu Pavilion" Xueer*] for their rewards~

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