Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

Chapter 1725 Deja vu (6)

Huang Yueli didn't look at other people's expressions, after turning on the refining furnace, she retracted Ziji Leiyan's kindling, and then walked towards the furnace.

Waiting for the turbid air in the refining furnace to be exhausted, she poked her head over to have a look, and then a sweet smile appeared on her face, as if she was very satisfied with her work.

"Master examiner, my practice assessment is over, why don't you come and see the result?"

"Eh? Ah? Oh, yes, yes...the result, I want to see the result..."

The examiner was also stunned by her performance. After being reminded by her at this time, he woke up like a dream, wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, stood up and walked over.

He complained endlessly in his heart, always felt that since the little girl surnamed Bai started the assessment today, he seemed to have become a fool, his usual shrewdness and ability were all gone, and he was so shocked that he couldn't come back to his senses every time!

As an examiner, it is really embarrassing for such a situation to occur repeatedly during the assessment.

However, none of the other refiners present were surprised by his gaffe.

If they were in the same position, they would certainly not be able to perfectly fulfill their duties as invigilators. How many people would be able to remain calm when encountering such a perverted genius!

When the examiner walked to the front of the refining furnace, everyone involuntarily gathered around him, wanting to see Huang Yueli's finished product in the first place.

Huang Yueli stretched out her hand, and a small seal-shaped profound weapon appeared in front of everyone.

The refining of Wunian Dharma Seal is cumbersome, and it is easy to fail in refining, so even if they are craftsmen, many of them are seeing this kind of profound weapon for the first time.

Everyone's admiring gazes were cast on the profound weapon in Huang Yueli's hand.

From the appearance, this Wunian Dharma seal is really perfect. The whole piece is uniformly dark red, and there are clear flame carvings on it. From any angle, it reveals a deep atmosphere. of light.

"Is this really...refined?"

"Isn't this amazing? With such a fast hand speed, she can actually make a profound weapon into shape!"

"What kind of refining technique is this? It's amazing! I really want to worship her as my teacher!"

The examiner took the No-Nian Seal from Huang Yueli's hand, held it up to his eyes, observed it carefully for a while, his eyes showed a look of amazement.

He is different from ordinary weapon refiners. As the examiners of the scoring, they have a set of detailed scoring standards. In terms of appearance alone, there are several scoring points, including the shape, color, and aesthetics of the mysterious weapon.

However, no matter from which angle you look at it, you can't find any flaws in this seal of no thought.

"From the appearance, there is no problem. Next, we will test the effect of using this seal of no thought. Girl Bai, I will test it myself next time. Do you have any objections?"

Originally, it was the most normal thing for the examiner to take the test himself, and there was no need to greet the examinee at all.

However, Huang Yueli's series of performances just now had unconsciously convinced the examiner, causing him to put himself in a lower position unconsciously, and when speaking to Huang Yueli, he was also polite and respectful.

Huang Yueli shook her head bluntly, "Please go ahead!"

The examiner picked up the seal and stood in the open space next to it.

This moment was what everyone was waiting for, and they surrounded him with a huff.

"Wait a minute!" Seeing this, Huang Yueli hastily said.

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