Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

Chapter 1731 Who Are You? (4)

Seeing this scene, Ye Xinghua was even more frightened.

The actions of this little girl are really unreasonable!

Many of these organs and formations inside the Artifact Refiner Association were handed down from ancient times, and they were not installed just now. There are some organs in it, even for ninth-level artisan masters, it is difficult to arrange them.

No matter how talented the little girl in front of me is, she can't be better than the ancient craftsman, right? Although she is indeed a genius, Ye Xinghua still thinks it is impossible for her to see through the mysteries of these organs at a glance.

But if she didn't see through the mechanism at the first sight, wouldn't it mean that she has been here before and is still very familiar with the various mechanisms around here?

This... seems even more impossible...

Not always... not always...

The conjecture that he had just seen when he was watching the little girl's crafting resurfaced in Ye Xinghua's mind again. ,

This time, even though his reason repeatedly reminded him that this was impossible, Ye Xinghua still couldn't shake this outrageous thought out of his mind.

Soon, the two arrived in the exclusive refining room of the president of the refining masters' association.

After the two entered, the door automatically closed behind Huang Yueli.

Ye Xinghua could no longer suppress the doubts in his heart, so he couldn't wait to ask: "Miss Bai, let's open the skylight and tell the truth. Your crafting technique is very unique, self-contained, and unique. You should be very clear about it!"

Huang Yueli nodded slightly upon hearing this.

While Ye Xinghua was looking at her, she had actually been observing Ye Xinghua.

After many years, Ye Xinghua's appearance has not changed much.

Because, in the previous life, Ye Xinghua was a little older than her.

However, for a refiner, age does not matter, as long as the refiner's skill is high enough, he can win the respect of everyone, so it is actually very common to accept disciples who are older than himself.

At that time, Ye Xinghua was also the most talented refiner in the entire Emperor Ling City. He reached the level of a seventh-level refiner before he was thirty years old, which is considered a rare event in a hundred years.

But after Huang Yueli turned out to be born, his little talent became not enough.

Most craftsmen are arrogant by nature. When Ye Xinghua was young, he was unwilling to accept the fact that he was not as good as a young and beautiful girl, so he challenged Huang Yueli several times.

However, after being crushed and defeated several times, he finally admitted that he was inferior to others. At the same time, like countless talented warriors in Diling City, he secretly fell in love with this talented and beautiful little palace master of Lihuo Palace.

Of course, this kind of secret love is doomed to be fruitless, but Huang Yueli is determined to revitalize the entire Artifact Refiner's Guild, so he values ​​his talent very much, and has been taking every opportunity to give him advice, and he has also taught him his unique skills without any hesitation. give him.

Ye Xinghua later simply worshiped her as his teacher and formally learned how to forge weapons from her.

Huang Yueli was very clear about Ye Xinghua's thoughts. There were too many people who had a crush on her since she was a child, so she didn't take it too seriously. She just needed to know that Ye Xinghua was very talented and would not betray her.

However, Mu Chengying had a lot of opinions on Ye Xinghua back then.

Huang Yueli likes refining weapons very much, and often throws him away for refining weapons.

On the other hand, Ye Xinghua, the eldest disciple, spent a little longer with Huang Yueli in the Artifact Refiner's Guild!

Thanks to [゛__leReve.], [July Camellia for whom to hold the gauze の], [? ? ? ? 1018048231], [The other party is typing], [Life is only like meeting for the first time], [℡eyes? ], [adftdc], [Annie], [Wang Ping], [Guo Baofen], [ゝ残`情ヽ? ], [Wu Yan], [189****0530], [Liu Jinjiao] tipping~

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