Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

Chapter 1733 Who Are You? (6)

After hearing the various terms of exchange proposed by Ye Xinghua, Huang Yueli couldn't help showing surprise.

Even the elders of the Artifact Master Association can't consult all the classics at will. If you want to read some ancient books that only have solitary copies, you have to exchange them with contribution points.

But now, Ye Xinghua put forward such a condition, just in exchange for one of her secrets!

In fact, whether he knows this secret or not has no effect on Ye Xinghua now.

Because of these unique refining techniques, she had also taught Ye Xinghua in her previous life, but his talent was limited and he had only learned a little bit.

Therefore, it is impossible for him to go to the bottom of the matter so much for the sake of refining techniques, it can only be because... he still remembers the dead people in his heart...

After so many years, is Ye Xinghua still thinking the same as sixteen years ago?

Ye Xinghua nodded, and said again: "That's right, besides the above conditions, if you have any other requirements, you can also ask them, as long as you can tell me how you learned these refining techniques, Anything can be discussed."

Huang Yueli shook her head with a smile, "I'm sorry, President Ye, but I've really told the truth!"

Ye Xinghua couldn't help becoming angry when he heard this.

"Miss Bai, this president values ​​your talent and also respects someone who can teach you how to forge weapons, that's why he is willing to make such a condition! Don't push yourself too far!" Ye Xinghua said sternly.

He has served as the president of the Artifact Refiner's Guild for more than ten years. After he has been in the position for a long time, he has long been different from the somewhat thin young man sixteen years ago. A group of arrogant craftsmen obeyed obediently.

However, Huang Yueli was not affected in any way, she still had a light smile on her face.

"President Ye, don't get me wrong. I really don't mean to ask the lion to open his mouth. The conditions you offered are good enough! The problem is, I told the truth, but you didn't believe me. What should I do? ?”

"Are you telling the truth? You mean, you really developed these refining techniques yourself?"

Huang Yueli nodded repeatedly, "That's right, the fact is like this!"

"Miss Bai, do you really think I'm a fool?" Ye Xinghua snorted, and at the same time lost his last patience.

"Let me just say it bluntly, the technique of smelting multiple materials at the same time, as well as the technique of rapid fire molding, these techniques have been around a long time ago, and they were perfected by my late master Huang Yueli more than 20 years ago. Because using these techniques requires a very strong mental strength and superb martial arts cultivation, no other craftsman can reach her level, so it will be lost after her death!"

"I don't know where you learned this technique, but you want to say that this is your original creation? That would be the most ridiculous thing in the world! Could it be that you are still the reincarnation of my master?"

There was a sneer on the corner of Ye Xinghua's mouth, and his heart was full of disdain!

He originally admired this talented girl in front of him, but she actually pretended that she was the inventor of these unique techniques!

Falsely claiming other people's research results, this kind of thing is the most taboo in the circle of craftsmen.

For a refiner, this is the most serious character problem.

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