Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

Chapter 1738 After self-destruct... (3)

The muscles on Ye Xinghua's cheeks twitched, and he continued: "This group of people trapped Chairman Jiang and began to search his refining room, but they didn't find what they wanted. So, the leader lost Be patient, and began to press Chairman Jiang, asking him where he left Dong XZ! However, Chairman Jiang refused to say anything!"

"These people tried their best to trick him at the beginning, and when they found out that he was not fooled, they began to deliberately torture the old man! President Jiang is so old, how can he stand up to their tossing, rolling all over the floor in pain, or Refuse to say! Later...later..."

Ye Xinghua choked up and couldn't speak.

Huang Yueli's face became more and more ugly, her nails were embedded in her palms, and blood flowed out along the nails.

"These insane beasts, for a profound weapon that they can't use at all, actually...!! I'm really sorry for President Jiang. Back then, I was already a dead person in the eyes of the world, and he actually kept a secret for me. ...he didn't deserve to die at all..."

After she found Tianhuangjue's incomplete artifact back then, she only told a few people she trusted the most.

One is Mu Chengying, one is her best friend Ling Qingyu at that time, and the other is Jiang Chengxun.

In the end, Ling Qingyu betrayed her and sold the secret to several other powerful forces, causing her to die in the extreme northern ice field.

But Mu Chengying and Jiang Chengxun died for her...

"I rushed over to fight those scumbags first, but President Jiang suddenly used his last profound strength to break through the restriction and activated the self-destruct mechanism hidden in the refining room! I was stopped by the formation, I can only watch helplessly as President Jiang activates organs one after another, killing the intruders one by one. In the end, the southernmost part of the headquarters collapsed, burying them all deep underground ..."

Huang Yueli forced herself to finish hearing the sad news, shaking with anger.

Although she didn't know who forced Jiang Chengxun to death, it must have something to do with the big forces that forced her to blew herself up! These people... are really blinded by profit, and have no conscience!

It's just that she couldn't figure it out, it was just a broken artifact!

At that time, even she herself didn't know what the use of Tianhuang Jue was, what power it could exert, why these people completely gave up their conscience and killed people again and again for such an external thing!

Moreover, even if they can find Tianhuang Jue, with so many powerful forces, how are they going to distribute this profound weapon? Do they really get much benefit?

Why do these people do this?

Is she really dazzled by desire, there something else hidden?

This thought flashed through Huang Yueli's mind, but she quickly put it behind her.

Because, Ye Xinghua suddenly supported his head, looking dizzy. This is a sign that the Tongtian Pupil technique is about to fail, and he is about to regain consciousness.

Huang Yueli asked: "What happened later? After President Jiang passed away, didn't the Artifact Refiner's Guild investigate the truth?"

Ye Xinghua frowned, and reluctantly replied: "I checked, but...the bodies of those people were buried by the agency, and there was no way to know their was a few high-ranking craftsmen who had rebelled. Verification, but there is no proof, and nothing can be found out.”

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