Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

Chapter 1746 kicked the iron plate (4)

At the beginning, he could still remember his senior brother's warning and did not act rashly.

But after the carriage drove for a certain distance, he felt that their mission had been successful, and now Huang Yueli was someone who could be rubbed at will, especially since it was a silent wilderness outside and the sky was getting dark...

In this atmosphere, he became courageous again.

The short warrior slowly approached Huang Yueli, and let out a wretched laugh: "Little beauty, you have been shaking all the time, are you really so scared? Let my brother comfort you..."

The corners of Huang Yueli's mouth twitched, and she said in a thin voice: "You...don't come fiancé is the most overbearing, if you dare to do anything to me, when he comes to save me later, he will definitely I'll tear you to pieces!"

The short warrior said with a sinister smile: "You still expect him to come to save you? Tell you, when he comes to save you, it will be his death day!"

"No... Impossible! Mo Ying is very powerful, his strength is so powerful, it is impossible for you to hurt him! If you dare to do such a thing, he will definitely retaliate severely!"

The short warrior laughed wildly: "Little beauty, do you really think that Li Moying is invincible? Does he think he is the Master Mu of the Cangxuan Sword Sect? It's ridiculous! It's just a young man who just entered Diling City. He's just a rookie in the sky, no matter how talented he is, he's just entering the Ninth Layer Realm! Do you really think he can compete with the first-class power in Diling City?"

Huang Yueli bit her lip and said intentionally: "What... what big power... the big power in Di Ling City, how could... how could it have enmity with Mo Ying? We used to be warriors from the Southern Heaven Territory, but now we are in Di Ling City. After the city, I have been in the Cangxuan Sword Sect..."

"So, you should think about it, when you were in the Southern Tianyu, what powerful forces did you offend! Mr. Yifeng of our Leng family died because of Li Moying, you won't forget it so quickly, will you?"

The short warrior thought that he was in sight of success, so he had no scruples about speaking.

Huang Yueli suddenly said: " are members of the Leng family!"

She originally had such a guess, but there was no evidence, and she couldn't just wrong him, so she let the two men in black get into the car.

Now that the words have been set out, then...

"Junior brother, shut up! You forgot, the patriarch told us to act in secret, we must not reveal our identities!" The voice of a tall warrior came from outside the carriage.

The short warrior smiled nonchalantly: "Brother, you are just too nervous! This little beauty has entered the gate of our Leng family, how can you know who tied her up? Anyway, they have already been caught, we will wait Let's get the resources of the family, hahahaha!"

Speaking, he stretched out a fat hand towards the Phoenix, "Come, little beauty, look at your tender face, let me touch it ... Ah !!!"

Before the short warrior could finish speaking, he suddenly let out an extremely shrill scream!

When the tall warrior heard such a voice, his heart trembled. He subconsciously pulled the reins to stop the carriage, then turned around and went to lift the curtain.

However, before his hand touched the car curtain, he saw the light purple curtain made of silkworm silk floating in the air by itself.

An incomparably fierce profound force flew out from under the curtain and hit his chest directly!

The tall warrior instinctively wanted to hide, but the speed of that profound energy was too fast!

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