Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

Chapter 1753 Li Moying's anger (3)

When the distance between the two was less than one meter, Huang Yueli suddenly stopped.

She looked up at Li Moying and showed a sweet and pleasant smile, "Dear Moying, you are really amazing, every time someone is in danger, you can arrive in time, it really makes me feel safe !"

She looked at the man in front of her with shining eyes, and those eyes were really innocent.

When Li Moying met her big watery eyes, her heart skipped a beat for a moment, but then she came to her senses.

He reached out and grabbed Huang Yueli's wrist, pulled her over, and then gave her a fierce look, "It's useless to pretend to be pitiful, and it's useless to flatter you! Stand still now and don't make a sound, and wait until you get back." Settle accounts with you!"

I was almost cheated by her! She actually started acting cute and pretending to be pitiful again! It was determined that he couldn't bear to get angry with her.

But, let alone other things, today she dared to sneak out while he was retreating, and let herself fall into such a life-and-death danger... He must not tolerate this kind of thing!

Huang Yueli shrank her neck involuntarily, and stuck out her tongue secretly.

Wow, her fiance is angry! And very angry!

This is a bit bad, and it seems a bit difficult to appease him later...

Li Moying was still upset when he saw his little fiancée's well-behaved appearance.

But he still didn't want to spread his anger on his fiancée, so he turned his gaze and coldly glanced at Leng Fugui.

"People from the Leng family?"

Leng Fugui's jaw tightened, and he said coldly, "Not bad!"

He felt a little regretful at this moment, the thunder just now was so powerful that he thought it was an elder at the peak of the Ninth Layer of the Cangxuan Sword Sect who had arrived, he was so frightened that he could only report his family and knelt down and begged for mercy.

In the end, who would have known that the person who appeared was actually Li Moying himself...

Moreover, from the looks of it, he just came alone and didn't bring anyone else with him.

Li Moying's cultivation has now spread throughout Di Ling City, and all major forces know that he is at the first level of the Ninth Layer Realm.

This level of cultivation is naturally very remarkable considering his age, but compared with veteran masters who have been promoted to the Ninth Layer Realm for many years, there is still a gap after all.

Leng Fugui felt that at least at this stage, he could definitely deal with this kid.

Therefore, Li Moying was the one who was so frightened that he knelt down and begged for mercy. It was all his fault that he made a mistake just now and knelt down to a junior!

It's really embarrassing to think about it!

Leng Fugui felt that he was being played by someone, and was eager to save face, so his tone of voice became very unfriendly.

"Boy surnamed Li, since you know that I am from the Leng family, you should also know why I came here! Since you have bumped into my hand today, then follow me obediently!"

Li Moying frowned slightly, "Come with you?"

Leng Fugui snorted coldly, "What? Don't you think that after you killed Mr. Yifeng, this matter is over? Really think that our Leng family is easy to bully? If you refuse to be honest with me Go, don't blame me for being rude to you!"

Hearing this, Huang Yueli, who was hiding behind Li Moying and pretending to be a good baby, couldn't bear it anymore.

She poked her head out and asked curiously, "What did you say? You want to be rude to my family, Moying? The person who was shot flying just now seems to be you, right?"

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