Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

Chapter 1756 Li Moying's anger (6)

Huang Yueli shrugged, not surprised at all.

She doesn't like to kill people, but Li Moying doesn't pay much attention to it. She always takes revenge and never hesitates.

Besides, people from the Leng family are really courageous. When Li Moying returned to Diling City this time, he didn't have time to trouble them, so he should just smile secretly! How dare you take the initiative to provoke the Great Demon King...

No one can save them...

Huang Yueli silently mourned for the Leng family in her heart.

At this time, a cold voice sounded above her head.

"Have you seen enough? What's so interesting about an old man's corpse?"

Huang Yueli's expression froze, "Uh, ah... I didn't watch that one... I think the scenery here is pretty good, just take a look..."

"Today, the moon is dark and the wind is high, and there are not many stars. It's so dark around here. What can you see? Besides, there are only so many crooked trees around, and so many have been broken. This is also a good view? "Li Moying's voice was cold.

Huang Yueli said with a dry smile: "Haha, I mean... In fact, it's also special to see this bleak scenery every now and then..."

Li Moying snorted coldly, "Okay, don't delay the time, maybe you are interested in explaining to me why you didn't wait for me to leave the customs, and didn't bring Cang Pojun and others, but came down the mountain by yourself? What's the rush, you have to rush to do it today?"

Huang Yueli hesitated, "Uh, this..."

She hesitated for a while, then suddenly rolled her eyes and laughed, "Yeah? Didn't you just say that you will settle accounts with me when you go back? Now we are still outside, why are you angry... ah!! What are you doing? ?”

Before she could finish speaking, she suddenly found that her feet were off the ground, and was hugged by Li Moying.

Huang Yueli hurriedly kicked her calf and struggled, "What are you doing! Let me down!"

Li Moying snorted coldly: "Since that's the case, let's hurry back now and let me 'settle the score' with you!"

"Hey, wait a minute! I can go by myself!"

"You're walking too slowly!"

Li Moying flatly refused, retracted her arms, hugged the girl tightly in her arms, tapped her toes, and suddenly Lei Yi appeared behind her!

His body floated up lightly, and in the state of floating, he quickly passed through the air.

Huang Yueli's face turned pale slightly, her fingers tightly grabbed Li Moying's lapel, her heart was beating violently.

It's not that she is afraid of heights, but that she finds that her fiancé's anger is not easy to dispel, so she feels extra guilty.

So, people just can't do bad things, otherwise they will be caught, and the scene will be very embarrassing!

As if in an instant, the figures of the two had already appeared in front of the gate of the Floating Sword Palace.

When the guards guarding the gate saw Li Moying approaching, they bowed down one after another.

"Congratulations, Lord Sovereign..."

"Greetings to the suzerain..."

However, Li Moying flew past them without saying a word, making the guards stunned for a while.

When passing through the vestibule, Huang Yueli noticed that Cang Pojun and others were kneeling in front of them, motionless.

It wasn't until the figures of the two appeared that the guardians were obviously relieved, but they still knelt upright, not daring to slack off in the slightest.

Huang Yueli screamed, "Ah, military guardian, are you alright?"

She was the one who insisted on going down the mountain by herself in the morning, but now she caused Cang Pojun and the others to be punished.

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