Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

Chapter 1763 Climbing the Ladder to Heaven (3)

Such a precipitous cliff, just looking at it from a distance, is frightening, so it's no wonder Luo Jiyun feels uneasy.

He eagerly looked at Huang Yueli, hoping to get her negative answer.

But who knew, the moment Huang Yueli spoke, he almost fainted.

"Seriously injured? If it's really just a serious injury, that's fine!" Huang Yueli said disapprovingly: "Near the cliff, there is a kind of formation enchantment blessing, which will suppress the profound energy in the warrior's body. The higher the height, the stronger the suppression the warrior receives. Once they climb to the position above the mountainside, the strength of the profound force in the body will be less than 10% of the usual. In this case, it is impossible to maintain the profound strength of the body. first……"

She paused, and met Luo Jiyun's horrified gaze.

"...Once you fall from a position above halfway up the mountain, it is basically the same as a mortal falling off a cliff. The result is the same. Warriors below the seventh level will definitely have a dead end, and warriors above the seventh level will also have to fall. Half dead, whether you can save him or not depends on luck..."

Luo Jiyun shuddered tremblingly and stuttered a little.

"How... how could this... be so dangerous?"

Huang Yueli said: "I've already said that, right? For ordinary disciples of the Cangxuan Sword Sect, the assessment of climbing the ladder is the greatest opportunity to succeed, and at the same time, it is also one of the most dangerous assessments. They die here every year. There are hundreds of disciples!"

"But...but, this is a little too dangerous, right? The purpose of the sect is to select outstanding talents. Why make it so dangerous? You can't use formations to protect the surroundings, at least to let those who fall Martial artist, you can recover your body-protecting profound strength, don’t fall too badly, right?”

As soon as Luo Jiyun said this, before Huang Yueli could answer, someone laughed beside him.

"I said... this junior brother, are you a new disciple taking part in the assessment for the first time?"

"Uh, yes." Luo Jiyun nodded.

The person who spoke was a young martial artist in his twenties, wearing the uniform of his own disciple, he was fat and white, and he seemed to have a good temper.

"Junior Brother, you don't know that this Stairway to Heaven was not built by our Cangxuan Sword Sect at all, but a relic left by the ancient gods. It can not only select outstanding disciples, but also As long as you can climb the ladder for the first time, you will have a great harvest after you come down."

"Warriors are suppressed by profound power on the cliff, which is also the effect caused by the ancient formations around the ladder. Our sect's Guardian Yu is the number one formation master in Tianling Continent. I heard that he once It took several months, together with Huang Yueli, the number one refiner at the time, to try to arrange a formation near the cliff to protect the fighters who fell during the assessment. However, it still failed in the end."

Luo Jiyun knew Huang Yueli's true identity, and when he heard this, he glanced at the girl beside him in surprise.

In his heart, the little sister-in-law is extremely talented, and there is nothing she can't handle.

Unexpectedly, even she couldn't complete the organ formation...

Luo Jiyun frowned, and asked again: "Then... what if I climb halfway up the mountain, but I can't get to the top of the mountain, and I get stuck on the way? Is there only a dead end?"

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