Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

Chapter 1769: Number One on the Cloud List (5)

However, when he thought about it again, he felt that it was impossible.

How could a peerless genius with such outstanding talent be so timid?

Probably Li Moying's fiancée was afraid that he would lose, so she wanted to reject it for him?

Feng Zhehao said: "Junior Sister Bai, you are not Junior Brother Li, how do you know that he is unwilling to take part in the assessment? Just pass on my words when you go back, he will definitely come tomorrow!"

However, Huang Yueli shrugged calmly, "Don't you understand what I'm saying? Mo Ying is in seclusion! Do you understand the seclusion? He won't leave the seclusion without big things!"

Although Li Moying's retreat time is very short recently, and she usually comes out in a few days, but why did she bother him for such a trivial matter?

Feng Zhehao's face froze, "You... what do you mean? The annual ladder assessment determines the ranking of the cloud rankings in the next year! Isn't this a big deal? Even if he doesn't care about rewards, I will ask him Challenged, shouldn't he come to fight?"

Huang Yueli looked at him inexplicably, "Why does he have to fight when you challenge him? There are so many people who want to challenge Mo Ying every day, if he agrees to everyone, won't he be exhausted? "

This is also true. Ever since Li Moying was scrambled by various forces at the gate of Diling City, she has received countless invitations to fight every day, all of which are unconvinced warriors among the major forces who came here to provoke.

However, Li Moying asked people to throw away these invitations without any response.

Feng Zhehao's face became even darker, "Can I be like them? Didn't you hear Xiaopang just now? I have been number one on the cloud list for three consecutive years! If there is no accident, I will be fourth today Year!"

Huang Yueli curled her lips slightly, "So what?"

"So what?? Do you know that this is the battle for the first genius of the Cangxuan Sword Sect! It is the key competition to determine who is stronger between me and him! If he is a man, he will definitely come!"

After hearing this, Huang Yueli was a little displeased, and her face darkened.

"Whether my family Moying is a man or not, you don't need to judge! You can tell about the Cangxuan Sword Sect's first genius dispute! You two can tell who is stronger and who is weaker! You are nothing more than relying on yourself to have climbed the ladder many times, and you want to take advantage of Mo Ying's lack of familiarity with the situation to defeat him once!"

Huang Yueli's words shattered his plan, and Feng Zhehao lost face completely.

"'re talking nonsense! What do you mean by taking advantage of loopholes? I was obviously competing with Li Moying openly, how could you be like this, treating the heart of a gentleman with the heart of a villain..."

Having said that, Feng Zhehao's tone was obviously a little weak.

Moreover, the surrounding warriors also reacted.

"Miss Bai is right. One is participating in the assessment many times, and the other is the first time. How can this be considered a fair game?"

"That's right, Junior Brother Li's cultivation is right here, even if he loses this time, next year, after he learns the heaven-level kung fu in the Zongmen's collection, his strength will definitely far exceed that of Senior Brother Feng!"

"Let's talk about Senior Brother Feng himself, when he climbed the ladder for the first time, he fell down less than 500 meters away..."

Feng Zhehao's face gradually turned red.

Huang Yueli smiled, and said: "However, even if you use the tricks of these villains, you will definitely not be able to win against Mo Ying, so you don't need to waste your efforts!"

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