Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

Chapter 1783 The last day (7)

"Junior brother Luo, you are really amazing!"

"Junior brother Luo, I am a direct disciple of Elder Situ, and I am your senior sister. We can discuss each other in the future..."

"Junior Brother Luo..."

A group of people surrounded Luo Jiyun, and he looked at a loss.

Huang Yueli looked a little funny, however, the next moment, Luo Jiyun's face suddenly became extremely pale, and then suddenly fell backwards.

There was a burst of exclamation from the crowd, and Cang Pojun hurriedly ran over.

Fortunately, soon, the doctor of Cangxuan Sword Sect gave the diagnosis result: "It should be physical exhaustion, plus I was too nervous just now, once I relax, I will lose strength, it doesn't matter, let him go back and have a good rest for two days That's it."

Luo Jiyun was escorted and carried away, Huang Yueli wanted to leave at first, but, among the next group of warriors who were about to set off to climb the mountain, she saw Feng Zhehao's figure.

Huang Yueli took back the steps she had already taken.

This guy has always been so proud. Thinking about it, he really should have a few brushes. I don't know, what is the strength of the first person in the younger generation of the Cangxuan Sword Sect?

Thinking so, Huang Yueli stayed, planning to see Feng Zhehao's performance.

Following the invigilator's order, Feng Zhehao's group set off.

"Quick, look! Brother Feng is on stage!!"

"It's so fast, Senior Brother Feng's speed is really too fast! Although the profound energy in his body is suppressed, his movement skills don't seem to be affected at all!"

"Of course, Brother Feng's goal today is to break through the height of 4,500 meters. The first 3,000 meters will not be difficult at all, okay?"

"It's amazing! 4,500 meters! I can't even imagine what it would be like to stand there!"

Feng Zhehao's popularity is very high. Although he was slapped in the face by Li Moying invisibly today, when he really made a move, he still attracted everyone's attention.

As for Feng Zhehao himself, he also took a deep breath in his heart, determined to show his strength, let everyone see his strength, and forget that Li Moying who dared not stand up, so he mustered more energy than before, from the very beginning I did my best.

I saw his figure rising rapidly on the ladder, and his foothold could hardly be seen clearly, as if he had floated over the stone.

One thousand meters, two thousand meters, three thousand meters...

The height of 3,000 meters passed by in a flash.

Even when standing on the 3,000-meter node, he didn't stop, but his speed slowed down a little.

Levels over 3,000 meters are like a natural moat to most of the direct disciples!

However, for Feng Zhehao, he was already familiar with the road.

Huang Yueli nodded secretly, "No wonder you are so confident, but you are indeed quite capable."

When he reached the 3,500-meter position, Feng Zhehao slowed down again. This time, he had returned to his normal walking speed, and he became more cautious when taking steps.

At an altitude of 4,000 meters, Feng Zhehao finally stopped for the first time.

Next, it is also a very difficult stage for him.

The sense of sight and touch has completely disappeared, and even the sense of hearing is constantly weakening...

In this case, he only climbed three hundred meters last time, so he didn't dare to take any more risks.

And this time...

Feng Zhehao gritted his teeth hard, and almost tasted the blood.

This time, he must break through his limit!

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