Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

Chapter 1791 Where did the person go? (3)

Do you still think that you are the extremely talented Master Huang in the previous life?

With Huang Yueli's current strength, if she climbed the ladder to the sky, it is estimated that she would fall headlong after more than a thousand meters.

At that time, even if she does not die, she will become the laughing stock of the entire Cangxuan Sword Sect!

And Li Moying will also see that Huang Yueli is no longer the omnipotent goddess in his mind, she in this life... is too small! It's not good enough for him!

Cang Ningyue sneered, watching Huang Yueli walk to the registration platform, sign her name under the invigilator's instruction, took the token, and then stood in front of the first stone step.

In this batch, she was the only one left, and no one rushed with her.

Under the common attention of everyone, she lifted her breath slightly, and with a flick of her figure, she jumped onto the ladder!

"It's finally started! Bai Ruoli, just wait until you're ashamed!"

Cang Ningyue couldn't help but sneer coldly, however, just as the smile appeared on her face, she froze in an instant.

Not only her, but everyone in the square was stunned for a moment.

Because, Huang Yueli's speed is really too fast! It was like a flash of lightning, but within a few breaths, it rushed to a height of 1,000 meters.

Most of the people present were waiting to see her staggering up the stairs, but their vision blurred, only an afterimage flashed by, and when everyone realized it, they found... Where is the person? Where did people go?

After a while, someone found Huang Yueli's figure on the cliff, and at this time, she had already reached a height of two thousand meters.

"There, look, there!!"

"Where is it? Where is it? I still haven't found it!"

"It's there! See that? That white shadow that's been running up? It's too fast, how could it be so fast, I thought I was dazzled!"

"What? How is it possible? Didn't it mean that she is only in the fifth level? A martial artist in the fifth level is considered very talented if he can go up to 1,500 meters. She is already more than 2,000 meters away... No, fast three Kilometers away!! My God!!”

There were exclamations one after another, and everyone couldn't believe their eyes!

Just now everyone was still holding the mentality of watching a joke, but at this moment, everyone discovered that they were the real joke!

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they wouldn't believe it even if they were killed, that someone could run on the ladder at such a speed.

Feng Zhehao's eyes almost popped out.

He always thought that he was already the top genius in Tianling Continent, and that among the younger generation, it was absolutely impossible for anyone to climb higher and faster than him!

But in fact? That little girl in the fifth level was actually several times faster than him! This...isn't he really dreaming?

"As expected, Master Huang deserves to be Master Huang. When she advanced to the sixth level that day, I could tell that her talent in this life is better than her previous life!" Cang Pojun sighed.

Cang Pohun also said: "It seems that Master Huang and Suzerain are the most suitable couple no matter what time they are!"

Cang Ningyue's face has become extremely pale.

She never dreamed that Huang Yueli's talent in this life would be so good, it seemed that it was even better than her previous life! This kind of speed is simply faster than the speed of ordinary warriors galloping on flat ground, and the suppression of profound energy on the ladder to the sky seems to have no effect on her.

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