Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

Chapter 1798 Can't Get Down (4)

The more talented a peerless genius is, the easier it is to be overly aggressive and paranoid. Such a situation is not uncommon now.

Many people were so anxious that they wanted to rush up and yell to persuade Huang Yueli to come down quickly.

It's a pity, with a distance of more than six thousand meters, Huang Yueli still lost all five senses, even if they screamed and broke her throat, Huang Yueli would not even want to hear a sound.

Cang Ningyue looked at Huang Yueli's motionless profile, and the cold sweat that kept oozing from her face, she couldn't help but feel secretly happy!

Among the people present, no one knew better than her what happened!

It's not that Huang Yueli doesn't want to come down, but...he can't come down at all! Obviously, she had already crushed the token, but she was still trapped on the ladder, that's why she didn't dare to move around like this.

The smile on Cang Ningyue's face could hardly be concealed, and the corners of her mouth curved into a cold arc.

"Huang Yueli, aren't you very proud? Didn't you steal the limelight? But now? Are you still unable to get down? On this 6,000-meter ladder, even if you have great abilities, don't even think about it. It came down unscathed!"

Actually, Cang Ningyue didn't expect that she could really kill Huang Yueli.

She originally thought that Huang Yueli's talent in this life was not very good, and if she could go up to a height of more than 1,000 meters, it would be considered good. If she fell from that position, she would be seriously injured, and most likely she would not die.

But it's different now, Huang Yueli unexpectedly climbed to a height of 6,000 meters, although this talent made Cang Ningyue almost go crazy with jealousy, but at the same time, it also allowed her to stand at the height of death above.

Swipe down from the position of six thousand meters, even if it is a master of the ninth level, it will definitely not survive!

"Huang Yueli, if I can't get it, you can't even think about it! No matter how many times you reincarnate, don't even think about being with the suzerain, you're just a bastard who will only bring bad luck to the suzerain, so just die early, Don't continue to implicate the suzerain! This time you can climb so high, it is really God's help! Hahahaha~"

"what are you laughing at?"

A deep voice came, Cang Ningyue's smile froze, and when she turned her head, she found that Cang Pojun was frowning at him.

Cang Ningyue said with some guilty conscience: "Is there? am I laughing? Brother Pojun, you% you read wrong."

Cang Pojun said coldly: "I'm not mistaken! Tell me, what's going on? Why can't Master Huang come down? Is this matter... related to you?"

Cang Ningyue was exposed by his words, she was cold all over for a while, but soon she calmed down.

Even if the Cang Po Army and the others see it, so what? They have no evidence to prove that it was her conspiracy?

Huang Yueli was on the ladder, unable to say anything.

And the only token that can be used as evidence must have been crushed by her.

In this way, after Huang Yueli fell from the mountain and fell to her death, there would be no proof of her death. Who can say that she was murdered to death? It is more reasonable to say that she fell to her death because she was too strong?

Cang Ningyue thought this way, and her attitude became tough again.

She looked directly at Cang Pojun, as if being insulted.

"Brother Po...Brother Pojun, how can you doubt me like this? Of course, Master Huang's failure to come down is her own fault, most likely because she wants to continue climbing! What does this have to do with me?"

Thanks to [Annie], [Qingmeng~], [, -Yue, Lai-Yue, Yuan-], [Silly Girl], [Flower Falling, Memory], [Lxingmei], [Xiaoyu], [Mo Xiaokui] , 【Fire lotus? ], [5+? ☆【☆】☆】for tipping, thanks to 【Annie】 and 【Qingmeng~】for becoming the masters of this book

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