Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

Chapter 1800 Can't Go Down (6)

"Po...Poyu, could you say that? We've been engaged for so many years, how could could you ignore me?" She grabbed Cang Poyu's hand, showing a delicate and pitiful look. look.

The half of Cang Ningyue's face that was not covered by the mask was still charming and glamorous.

When the eye waves flow, it is enough to move people.

Cang Poyu lowered his head and squinted at her, recalling that back then, Cang Ningyue used such a gesture to confuse him, which made him temporarily obsessed and agreed to be engaged to her.

She thought that Cang Ningyue was momentarily dazzled by jealousy, but her nature is not bad, she is still a girl with a pure nature.

She thought that as long as time passed, Cang Ningyue would definitely give up on Mu Chengying and be with him at ease.

"Cang Ningyue, when you were jealous of the sect master and attacked Master Xianghuang, do you still remember that I am your fiance?" Cang Poyu's voice was cold.

"I..." Cang Ningyue was startled.

Seeing this, Cang Poyu couldn't help but sneered and said, "Since you don't remember, why should I admit to that ridiculous engagement?"

"No, that's not the case, Poyu, listen to my explanation!" Cang Ningyue hurriedly ran over, trying to grab the only life-saving straw.

Speaking of it, Cang Poyu seems to have a cold personality, but he is actually a very nostalgic person. You can see that he has pleaded for her in front of the suzerain every time she made a mistake over the years.

Such an easy-to-use spare tire, how could she let it go easily.

However, Cang Poyu really gave up this time, he just glanced at her coldly, turned sideways, and avoided her.

"You don't need to explain to me, save your strength to explain to the suzerain! We have already sent someone to ask the suzerain to leave the customs. As long as you really did not murder Master Huang, and Master Huang can safely come down from the ladder, then the suzerain may not be the same will execute you!"


Of course Cang Ningyue knew that if Huang Yueli was fine, everyone would be fine.

However, Huang Yueli must be dead now! It seems that she has no choice but to grit her teeth and refuse to admit a way...

Cang Pohun looked at her ever-changing face, and couldn't help interjecting: "Second brother, if you really don't want this woman, just give her to me! My soul searching technique has recently become a big success, repair As a martial artist who is below the peak of the Ninth Layer Realm, I can make anyone tell the truth! I'm just afraid that you won't be able to bear it, second brother!"

When Cang Ningyue heard this, big drops of cold sweat suddenly broke out on her forehead, and her face became extremely pale.

The Soul Search Technique is a very vicious mysterious technique, which can forcefully enter the memory of a warrior, search the opponent's memory, and obtain the truth, but the person who is subjected to the technique will either become an idiot or go crazy on the spot!

Cang Pohun is best at this kind of method, but he has a good relationship with Cang Poyu, so he won't attack his fiancée.

Cang Ningyue screamed on the spot, "No! You can't treat me like this! Poyu, you won't let him treat me like this, will you?"

Her voice was very loud, if Cang Poyu hadn't set up a sound-proof circle from the beginning, everyone's attention might be attracted by her scream.

Cang Poyu glanced at her coldly and was about to speak.

At this time...

Suddenly there was a commotion in the square.

First, the martial artists on the outskirts of the valley discovered something, each of them showed excited expressions, and started discussing with the people around them.

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