Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

Chapter 1920 Full of ugliness (6)

Huang Yueli smiled calmly, "Since you have already stated your name and apprenticeship so clearly, this must not be a lie. There must have been seven people who were with Miss Feng at that time!"

If it was just now, the girl must have nodded desperately.

However, at this moment, she was a little hesitant, with an embarrassed expression on her face, " should be...that's it..."

Huang Yueli coughed lightly, and asked deliberately: "But, why do I remember that there were only five people present besides Miss Feng?"

No one expected that she would ask such a question. This is obviously digging a hole for the girl!

If the girl retorts that there are definitely not five people, it means they are slapping each other in the face!

Wait a minute, no matter how the guard explained, he still couldn't get the lie right.

Feng Xiaoyan was so anxious that she was about to jump up on the spot, but unfortunately, she was injured all over her body and couldn't get up at all. Instead, the violent movement affected the wound and rolled off the chaise longue.

"Plop plop..."

A large living person suddenly rolled out from the back of the main hall, bumping around and making noises.

The gazes of all the elders involuntarily turned back to Feng Xiaoyan.

Feng Xiaoyan rolled on the ground for a long time, rolled past the center of the hall, almost rolled towards the gate.

Fortunately, Huang Yueli lifted a leg in time to block her rolling tendency, and only then did she stop.

Feng Xiaoyan pretended to be all kinds of meat and vegetables, not only the wound was torn in several places, but also began to ache, and her head was already knocked out, and the whole person was groggy. Although she had stopped, she I couldn't react for a moment.

Huang Yueli looked at her bewildered expression, and said softly: "Elders, it seems that Miss Feng's body is really bad, if she sits on a chair properly, she will lose her balance and roll down, this is not good How can I rest and recuperate? Maybe it won’t last until Big Brother Liu comes back! It’s better to carry her down and let her have a good rest!”

"This... seems to be the same!"

"President Feng, don't let Ling Qianjin hold on, it's more important to heal your wounds."

"Yeah, there are so many people here, they will definitely come to a fair conclusion, let Miss Feng go down and rest!"

The elders saw it and felt that it was not the same thing.

Feng Xiaoyan's original appearance was already miserable enough, but after such a fall, she was even more miserable, her clothes were all covered with dust, and there was even a faint trace of blood, her hair fell down like a crazy woman, and she looked like a human being. Neither human nor ghost.

Many people made this proposal out of sympathy for her.

But when Feng Xiaoyan heard it, he immediately became nervous, and shouted loudly: "No! Bai Ruoli, you...don't try to dig a hole for my people! You clearly... just did it on purpose!"

Huang Yueli smiled and said: "What's wrong with me doing it on purpose? The questions I asked are very common, why did they become digging holes? May I ask elders, does anyone think that my questions are wrong?"

There was silence all around.

Huang Yueli's question was indeed too ordinary, no matter who it was, they couldn't find anything wrong.

It was only when she really asked the question and connected the cause and effect that people realized how tricky and precise this question was!

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