Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

Chapter 1926 Full of ugliness (12)

"On the day of the incident, it was actually not Miss Bai who went to trouble Missy, but Missy brought a group of people to drive Miss Bai out of the Alchemist Guild! Missy was worried that she would be seen by other people, so, Let us guards chase people around, so when they had a dispute, the subordinates didn't see it, and they weren't there..."

The guard spoke desperately like pouring beans.

How could the elders have imagined that he actually retracted his confession on the spot, and the facts he said were completely opposite to the previous version of the testimony!

The main hall was quiet for a while, and then various discussions sounded.

"What's going on? Why is what he said different from what he said just now?"

"Who is bullying whom? What is the truth of the matter?"

"The old man is confused, what the hell is this going on?"

Feng Zhensheng's face was even more gloomy, and he flicked his sleeve vigorously, sweeping all the teacups on the table to the ground.

"What did you say? What you said earlier was not like that at all! Why did you change your words now? Which one of your words is true?"

The guard hurriedly said: "What I'm saying now is the truth! What I said earlier was colluded with me by the eldest lady, so that I could put the responsibility on Miss Bai and let her be kicked out. guild!"

"Actually, Miss Bai is really innocent. The eldest lady was jealous of her relationship with Dr. Liu, so she ran to find trouble. The subordinates didn't know what they said. Anyway, there was a fight, and the eldest lady let a few of her subordinates go in. , Arrest Miss Bai. The subordinates forced Miss Bai to the corner, just about to arrest someone, but unexpectedly there was a mechanism there, and for some reason, a fire suddenly broke out..."

Everyone was dumbfounded, not knowing what to say.

Huang Yueli just nodded and said with a smile: "Thank you, brother guard, for telling the truth. That's right, the situation at that time was like this, I just didn't want to leave the alchemist association, and I didn't know why it caught fire. Miss Feng can only be considered unlucky!"

As soon as she finished speaking, the young alchemist screamed, "No, that's not the case! This guard is lying! Otherwise, how could there be inconsistencies in his testimony? He just wanted to exonerate himself, so he told a lie!"

The girl didn't want to be charged with perjury, so naturally she strongly denied it.

Hearing this, the guard couldn't help but sneer.

"I know exactly who told the lie! That's right, I retracted my confession, because I didn't expect that I worked for the eldest lady, and something really happened, but the eldest lady was unable to keep me, and almost killed me. Me! If you don’t believe me, you can ask all the guards who participated in the firefighting to be there, if they know what the eldest lady did, they will definitely tell the truth!”

At this time, the elders came back to their senses a little, and began to discuss with each other in whispers.

Although the guard offered to find someone to testify, the way he swore to the sky seemed to be telling the truth.

However, everyone is still unwilling to believe that Feng Xiaoyan, the eldest lady they have always looked up to, is actually such a vicious and deep-minded girl!

Not only did he seek trouble with Huang Yueli because of jealousy, but after suffering retribution, he actually had even more insidious plans to frame her...

If this is the case, Feng Xiaoyan is too scary, right?

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