Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

Chapter 1931 Want her or your life? (4)

Even if it's just talking, he can't accept it at all!

At this time, Liu Buyan had already walked to Li Moying's bedside, and stopped firmly in front of him, looking down at him condescendingly.

"What? Do you think this is impossible? You have such confidence in Bai Ruoli? It's a pity, no matter how much you love Jin Jian, you are going to die soon! As long as you die, in time, she will definitely forget you. You will definitely fall in love with me! Not for a day, not for a month, what if it is a year, two years, or even ten years?"

"After such a long time, you are just a dead person who will never come back, and I am the man who stays with her and protects her every day. Guess... Will she fall in love with me?"

Li Moying half leaned against the head of the bed, panting continuously, sweating like rain.

His primordial spirit is extremely fragile, and it is on the verge of collapsing at any time.

I tried my best to attack Liu Buyan just now, which pushed him even more into a dangerous situation!

At this moment, his mind was dizzy and buzzing, and his head hurt like it might split open at any moment.

But Liu Buyan's voice was clearly close to his ears, but it sounded so erratic, as if it came from far, far away.

However, the words Liu Buyan said could still deeply hurt his heart.

Yes, he is going to die soon, even though he doesn't want to die very much, but... now, he must admit that, as strong as him, there are still things that cannot be done, and there are still invincible enemies, that is... …die.

He looked down on him all his life, and he should have no regrets, but because he fell in love with a woman, he couldn't think about it, couldn't let go.

He didn't dare to imagine what happened after his death.

Because if Huang Yueli fell in love with someone else, he was afraid that even if he died, he would not be able to rest in peace, and would crawl out of the coffin with jealousy!

However, if she really couldn't let him go forever and lived alone for him, he couldn't bear it...

Li Moying actually knew very well in his heart that if his love was really great enough, he didn't need Liu Buyan to hand over Huang Yueli at all, and he should even encourage them to be together.

Because Liu Buyan is obviously sincere to his little Li'er, and because of their friendship for more than ten years, Liu Buyan is absolutely reliable as a man.

After his death, if Xiao Li'er was with him, she should... and could live a very happy life...

Li Moying knew that he should do this, but he just couldn't do it!

It was only then that he realized that he was such a selfish man! He just... can't do it no matter what, even imagining such a scene can make him feel heartbroken!

He trembled all over, unable to respond to Liu Buyan's question, and... dare not respond.

However, Liu Buyan refused to give up, and instead got closer to him.

"You know what I mean, Bai Ruoli will always be mine in the end, no matter how much you struggle, it's all in vain... don't you?"


wishful thinking!

Li Moying really wanted to throw words in his face, and then severely deal with this man who coveted his little Lier, just like what he did to Huang Yueli's other suitors countless times in his previous life.

However, he could only close his eyes tightly, unable to speak a word.

Thanks to [Ling Yun] and [Little White Cat’s Milk] for their rewards~

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