Everyone can't wait to see her make a fool of herself.

However, there was no special expression on Huang Yueli's face, she just nodded her head, then gently parted her vermilion lips, and slowly began to read.

"The way of alchemy is based on the medicinal materials, the source of the medicinal materials, and the collection of the profound energy of the heaven and the earth, in order to be able to..."

Her voice is unusually sweet, her speech is neither too slow nor too fast, and her cadence is high and low. It is obviously the most boring medical book, but when she reads it from her mouth, it is like the most beautiful song.

All the people present were attracted by her sweet and melodious voice. After a while, they realized that she was endorsing a book! Moreover, it was a medical book I just read less than half an hour ago!

The first paragraph of the first page of "General Explanation of Herbs" is the most impressive for every alchemist. They have recited it countless times and will never forget it until they die.

So, even if you don't read the original text in the referee's hand, everyone knows that Huang Yueli didn't make a mistake, not even a single word!

This was beyond everyone's expectations. After all, everyone had already decided that she would lose in the first round, but in the end, she recited it so lightly?

Soon, Huang Yueli recited all the contents of the first paragraph on the first page.

However, she didn't recite the entire page spontaneously like Shu Yali did, but stopped immediately after recited the first paragraph, not even reciting a single word.

In this way, she has indeed fulfilled the content of the bet, but from the perspective of outsiders, she naturally feels that she is several grades behind Shu Yali.

When Shu Yali first heard her recite, she was really shocked.

Because she originally thought that Huang Yueli would not even think about reciting a word, but unexpectedly, things were completely different from what she thought, Huang Yueli actually completed the first round of betting!

However, after hearing the latter, she gradually felt relieved.

The content on the first page is the best to memorize. Anyone with a good memory can remember it, but she only remembers the first paragraph? It means that her memory is not very good!

The thoughts of other alchemists were similar to hers, and they looked at each other.

"The memory of this white girl is quite good. I just saw her flipping through it, so I recited the first paragraph!"

"Of course it's easy to recite the first paragraph, but she will definitely not be able to recite the rest!"

"That's natural. She is really lucky. Ms. Shu is merciful. It is probably because of the face of Dr. Liu. She doesn't want to embarrass her too much, right?"

These words hit Shu Yali's heart, and she immediately said: "Well, not bad! As expected of Miracle Doctor Liu's fiancee, at least I can recite the first paragraph! Then, let's continue!"

The young man acting as the referee nodded, and said again: "The second round has begun, Senior Sister Shu, please recite the eleventh page, the second paragraph."

Shu Yali is also very familiar with this passage, and she recited it very smoothly. Without exception, she continued to recite a lot of content, until she recited the entire page before stopping.

Next, it was Huang Yueli's turn again.

Shu Yali still wanted to show her magnanimity, so she interrupted hastily, "This time, Miss Bai will memorize the first paragraph on the second page!"

Hearing this, the alchemists present all showed knowing smiles.

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