Because people are like this, when they recite at the beginning, they are full of interest, and then they will review it repeatedly, and the memory will naturally be clear.

The further you get to the back, the less distracted you will be when memorizing, and a lot of content will be mixed together, causing confusion in memory.

Therefore, the referee suddenly jumped to the content after a hundred pages, and even when Shu Yali recited it, she seemed not so fluent.

Even, in some places, she paused for a while and recalled carefully before she could remember.

After reciting the specified paragraph, she immediately stopped, and did not deliberately recite the entire page as before.

The alchemists present all knew in their hearts that this was because Shu Yali couldn't guarantee that what she recited next would be correct without stopping.

If you try to memorize an extra paragraph and end up making a mistake, or if you recite it stutteringly, the loss outweighs the gain.

However, no matter what, she finally finished memorizing it completely.

Shu Yali still felt very proud.

After all, she was only six or seven years old when she recited "Tongjie of Herbs". It has been more than ten years now, and it is impossible for the other alchemists present to recite the content after a hundred pages, but she still Can carry!

This shows that she is born with a better memory than others, and is also more diligent than others!

Through this time, she can be regarded as showing her strength like other alchemists, proving that she is indeed qualified to be trained by the guild.

Sure enough, when the others heard her recitation, their eyes were filled with admiration and admiration.

This made Shu Yali feel very good.

"Okay, I'm done reciting, next..." She turned to Huang Yueli with an apologetic expression on her face, "Miss Bai, I won't let you this time, I'm very sorry... It's not that I want to make things difficult for you, really It's a bet, there must be a winner or loser, we can't waste everyone's time..."

Huang Yueli was too lazy to look at her hypocrisy, so before she could finish speaking, she interrupted her.

"Since you don't want to waste time, why bother? Let's get started!"

Shu Yali was blocked back, she gritted her teeth and closed her mouth, she sneered coldly in her heart: Huh, you know you're going to lose, and you're still so pissed! I really don't know where the confidence comes from, just wait to make a fool of yourself!

"The fourth round, Miss Bai, please recite, page 114, paragraph four."

The referee turned the pages of the book and said casually.

He didn't expect Huang Yueli to respond to his question at all.

In fact, not only him, everyone had the same idea and was waiting for Huang Yueli to admit defeat.

However, Huang Yueli glanced around the crowd calmly, cleared her throat, and when she opened her mouth, she didn't admit defeat, but began to recite the paragraphs designated by the referee!

Her speaking speed is neither fast nor slow, her voice is neither high nor low, her timbre is sweet, and her pronunciation is standard.

Soon, the specified content was memorized.

What's more, unlike Shu Yali, when she recited, she didn't even have any time to pause or think, she was still calm and unhurried, it was no different from when she recited the first paragraph of the first page!

As soon as she opened her mouth, everyone was stunned, unable to speak at all, they could only stare at her, thinking that they were suffering from lack of sleep and had hallucinations.

When she finished reciting, everyone's jaws dropped.

"What... what's going on here? Was I dreaming just now?"

Thanks to [Sunshine Minimi], [Can I change my name], [~Rou? Rewards from Butterfly Emperor Thief Xiaoguai], [Blue Wind Jade Ice], [Little Fish]~

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