Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

Chapter 1952 Is it really so against the sky? (2)

As he spoke, he slammed the thick medical book onto the table!

"Since you suspect that I let the water go, then replace it with someone else to be the referee! Your skills are not as good as others, and you will find reasons for yourself. I think you are doomed!"

The referee abdicated so cleanly that everyone else was taken aback for a moment.

Looking at him like this, it seems that someone has really been wronged... Could it be that he really didn't release the water just now?

However, if we really want everyone to believe that Huang Yueli's memory is so good, it's still unacceptable...

Shu Yali was so bullied that she couldn't get off the stage. It was difficult for the referee to stay, and it was difficult for her to replace her.

At this moment, Huang Yueli raised her hand, gently picked up "Medicinal Herbs" and turned to Shu Yali with a slight smile on her face.

"Senior Sister Shu is worried about being unfair, and I can understand her feelings. How about this? Let's find a more fair method. Let's take turns to give each other questions. You recite the paragraph I chose, and I will also be selected by you. In this way Once here, there is no way to cheat, what do you think?"


Shu Yali's eyes widened, she really suspected that she heard it wrong!

Huang Yueli would actually change the rules to this! If each other poses questions for each other in person, then of course they won't be able to play any tricks, which perfectly solves the concerns that Shu Yali raised just now.

But why did she do this? Is it true that you can recite all of them, so you are so confident?

Shu Yali's heart skipped a beat. At this point, she finally realized that things were completely different from what she had imagined.

The girl in front of me, who looks weak and delicate, elegant and refined, is probably not as simple as she appears on the surface. Maybe she really has an amazing talent that cannot be ignored!

Comparing with her, I might lose very badly, and my reputation will be ruined once!

However, by this time, it was obviously too late to say sorry.

Seeing Shu Yali's delay in responding, the onlookers stopped agreeing and started urging her.

"Hurry up, hurry up and agree! With such a fair condition, why are you still hesitating?"

"This method is so good that no one can cheat!"

"I didn't expect Miss Bai to be so arrogant! She is indeed the fiancee of Doctor Liu!"

"Speaking of which, Senior Sister Shu is still hesitating, is it true that she is not sure that she can win?"

Having said all of this, Shu Yali also knew that she had no way out, so she could only grit her teeth and bite the bullet!

"Okay, then follow what you said, let's give each other questions and continue the competition!"

Huang Yueli smiled and nodded, "Okay, then let's continue, will you come up with the question first or should I do it first?"

Shu Yali wasn't too polite this time, she snatched the "Medical Herbal Explanation" and said, "You have been given four rounds just now, this time I will ask the question first!"

Now that things have happened, she can't care less about pretending to be grand, and if she pretends to continue the competition, she might really lose, and that would be embarrassing and thrown to grandma's house! So, this time she wants to take the lead!

Shu Yali flipped the pages of the book, "Page 132, paragraph five!"

As soon as she spoke, the onlookers standing behind her couldn't help exclaiming, "This... this is too difficult!"

They can see the contents of the book, this section is about the classification of medicinal herbs, there are a lot of professional vocabulary, and there is almost no logical relationship.

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