Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

Chapter 1966 Wood Attribute Ninth Grade Talent (2)

Huang Yueli never dreamed that such a situation would happen, she couldn't help but widen her eyes in astonishment.

After a while, she turned around and moved a few steps, squatting in front of another pearl lotus, stretched out her fingers cautiously, and touched the petals.

This dry land pearl lotus is the worst one in this medicine field, and it is almost withered, but its reaction is exactly the same as the previous one.

When Huang Yueli touched it, the entire plant was surrounded by a halo of light, and the flower stem, which had already drooped, stood upright again, and the shriveled petals instantly became alive.

"This, this... what's going on here? What the hell??"

Huang Yueli looked at the pearl lotus in front of her, and at her own fingers, she couldn't believe it, it was a real thing.

She reached out and touched the dryland pearl lotus in the medicine field one by one, and found that the reaction of each one was similar.

However, the more withered the lotus, the more intense its reaction to her. On the contrary, those pearl lotuses with lush branches and delicate petals just shimmered a little when she touched them.

At this time, Huang Yueli had gradually calmed down, and she also realized that the situation just now should not be an isolated case, nor a special situation, but... She seems to really have the ability to influence the growth of these pearl lotuses.

Just, why is this happening?

She should be an ordinary person with no talent or cultivation, right?

Even though she has only read the medical book "Medicine and Herbs", but thinking about it casually, she knows that this kind of thing cannot be done by everyone, it should be a very special talent.

After Huang Yueli finished "harassing" all the plants, she looked up and saw that the sky was already pitch black.

She was so focused on this amazing new discovery that she didn't realize the passage of time at all, and the other alchemists in the medicine field didn't have anyone to remind her, which resulted in her being left alone in the medicine field.

For the sake of safety, she didn't dare to stay any longer, pulled up the fence to surround the medicine field, and hurried back to her cubicle.


Early the next morning, Huang Yueli went to the study where they gathered last time.

What happened yesterday really surprised her. She thought about it all night, but she still didn't understand what was going on, so she could only come here and look up the medical books to see if she could find the answer.

There are quite a lot of medical books in the study room. Since they are open for everyone to consult, there are only very common medical books, but this is enough for Huang Yueli.

Huang Yueli found a copy of the most basic "Introduction to Alchemy", and flipped through it casually.

After turning a few pages, she let out a "huh" and was attracted by a few small words.

"...The main factor that determines the alchemy talent depends on the alchemist's own wood attribute and fire attribute talent."

"Among them, the main role of the wood attribute talent is reflected in the affinity with the medicinal herbs. The higher the wood attribute talent, the higher the affinity of the warrior. Whether it is planting, picking or processing herbs, they can retain more of the medicinal properties of the medicinal materials. In particular, warriors with a wood attribute talent reaching the ninth level can even affect the growth of medicinal herbs. Some powerful wood warriors can bring some withered plants back to life after reaching the ninth level..."

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