Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

Chapter 2001 Dai Boqi's Medical Skills (1)

Amidst the discussion, Feng Zhensheng picked up the second plant.

"The second plant... Nine-leaf Ganoderma lucidum!"

"The third plant... is Nine-leaf Ganoderma lucidum!"

"The fourth plant..."

He picked up the medicinal herbs on the ground one by one, and every time he inspected them, his hands trembled until finally, his voice began to tremble, his face was full of surprise, and his eyeballs almost fell to the ground !

"The seventh plant... Nine-leaf Ganoderma lucidum! All of them are Nine-leaf Ganoderma lucidum!"

The alchemists all screamed.

"All of them are Nine-leaf Ganoderma lucidum? This is absolutely impossible! Not to mention that Bai Ruoli has no alchemy talent at all, even an eighth-level alchemist, it is impossible to pick out all seven in such a short period of time, right? "

"Besides, she doesn't even have any tricks, so she just throws it around like that. This... can be picked out like this? Are you kidding me?"

"I don't believe it. There must be something wrong with it. Is President Feng making a mistake?"

Hearing these words, Feng Zhensheng wanted to cry, but he hoped that he was mistaken, and he also thought about trying to lie to everyone that these herbs were all Chickweed.

However, these seven medicinal herbs have all been tested by Dai Boqi himself, how could Feng Zhensheng dare to open his eyes and talk nonsense in front of his old man? We can only truthfully report the test results one by one.

Up to now, he still feels that he is dreaming!

His doubts were no less than others. It was in vain that he was already an eighth-rank alchemist, and he had seen enough of all kinds of geniuses, but this was the first time he had encountered such a weird and miraculous thing!

What's wrong with this...?

Feng Zhensheng's silence has already proved everything.

The alchemists were shocked and suspicious at the beginning, but at the end, they had to admit that Huang Yueli had really picked out all these nine-rank ganodermas accurately!

Although I don't know how she did it, but this is the truth!

It's hard to imagine how powerful wood-type talents are needed to do this!

Could it be that she is really an alchemy wizard who is rare in a thousand years?

Seeing the eyes of everyone looking at Huang Yueli gradually changed from questioning to adoring, Feng Xiaoyan was angry and jealous in her heart, a cloud of anger kept rising, which made her scratch her heart and lungs, feeling extremely uncomfortable.

"This is absolutely impossible! Miracle Doctor Dai, Daddy, you were definitely deceived by that little bastard! Such a shameless thing, in order to climb up to Miracle Doctor Liu, can't do any despicable things... ah! !"

Before Feng Xiaoyan's cursing was over, a burst of powerful profound energy suddenly came from behind.

She screamed, but she couldn't stabilize her body at all, and fell forward all of a sudden.

With a muffled sound of "poof", her forehead hit the floor, and blood flowed instantly. At the same time, the veil on her face fell off in the struggle, and a face full of scars was immediately exposed. In front of everyone.

"Oh my god! Feng Xiaoyan's face..."


Dai Boqi glared at Feng Xiaoyan, "Who allowed you to say that about the old man's apprentice? You're full of swear words, it's hard to listen to! Someone, drag her out to the old man! Don't let the old man see her again!"

"Dai Miracle Doctor, I'm not wrong...Dai Miracle Doctor..."

Feng Xiaoyan screamed, but was still dragged out.

Seeing this, Feng Zhensheng felt that he was really ashamed and threw him home, so he chased him out.

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