Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

2051 Chapter 2051 Another Promise (3)

Hearing what she said, the maid immediately became nervous.

"You...don't talk nonsense, how can there be any problems with the treasures sold by our Tianling Chamber of Commerce! All of them have been appraised by the Artifact Refiner's Guild!"

Chi Xiaojiu also said: "Hmph, could it be that he couldn't get a picture of Lie Yunjian, so he purposely said some specious things, in order to make him respond to me?"

Huang Yueli still whispered nervously, and said nervously: "This... I really didn't mean that... I just happened to see that there seemed to be a very thin red line on Lie Yunjian's sword just now? I didn’t see it from too far away. This...couldn’t be some kind of damage to the blade?”

Everyone was looking at them, and upon hearing Huang Yueli's words, the beautiful host couldn't help but speak out.

"Miss Bai, you can't talk nonsense! Yes, there is indeed a small line on the Lieyun sword, which is the damage that Master Huang accidentally caused when he was in danger. However, this sword has already disappeared. It has been repaired by the eighth-level refiner of our Tianling Chamber of Commerce, and has been appraised by the Refiner's Guild. It is guaranteed that the power is almost the same as when it was just released! Our Tianling Chamber of Commerce will never sell defective products!"

The host said sternly.

Everyone present showed expressions of understanding.

This can be regarded as an unwritten rule of the world when high-level profound weapons are auctioned.

After all, there are only a few ninth-level profound weapons in total, and there are not many found in the entire Tianling Continent. It is common for these magical weapons to be handed down for thousands of years. They have experienced damage, repair and recasting. is commonplace.

It is completely impossible to verify whether the ninth-order profound weapons, which are older, have been repaired.

Therefore, the repaired profound weapon itself is not a problem, as long as it is verified that it can indeed exert the power it should have, it is considered qualified.

For ordinary buyers who want to buy Lie Yunjian, such an explanation is indeed enough.

However, for Chi Xiaojiu, the words of the beautiful host were like a bolt from the blue, hitting his head!

"You... what did you say? This Lieyun sword has really been repaired??" He suddenly stood up, and with a sway, he rushed out of the box, snatched the long sword from the maid's hand, and observed it carefully.

In the middle of the sword body, there is indeed an extremely small red line, but because the whole body of the sword body is red and full of profound energy, so. It looks completely inconspicuous, and it is easy to be regarded as the pattern of the sword itself.

But in fact, if an experienced high-ranking weapon refiner looks at it, it is easy to see that this is a trace of repairing the mysterious weapon.

After all, Chi Xiaojiu was born in Lihuo Palace. Although he is not a craftsman himself, he still has a vision.

Taking a closer look at this moment, I suddenly felt a chill all over my body.

His hands trembled slightly, "Impossible, this is impossible! Since this sword has been repaired, why didn't you explain it in advance? Your Tianling Chamber of Commerce is fraudulent!"

After hearing this, all the people in Tianling Chamber of Commerce were not happy.

President Wen stood up in person, frowned and said: "Palace Master Chi, I cannot agree with you! The Chamber of Commerce has always operated with integrity, so how can we say that we are fraudulent? Lie Yunjian was indeed forged by Master Huang, It is indeed a ninth-rank low-grade profound weapon, and after testing, its power is even five times that of ordinary ninth-rank low-grade profound weapons!"

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