Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

Chapter 2123 New Different Fire (4)

Normally, after that, she can start to learn the third-order pill formula.

Unfortunately, the time for the alchemist rookie competition is approaching, and there is only the last day of preparation left.

Dai Boqi sighed, and shook his head regretfully, "With your talent, it's not difficult to refine a third-order pill. However, it's really too late now, what a pity! If you follow along sooner Teacher, study hard, maybe you can learn all the third-level alchemy recipes now. If this is the case, winning the rookie contest championship is a sure thing!"

Liu Buyan just walked in from the outside, and when he heard this, he interjected with a smile: "Master, you are just worrying for nothing! With the strength of my junior sister, there is no suspense to get the first place. Under the age of twenty How many third-tier alchemists are there? Even if there are, they can barely refine third-tier pills, and it is impossible to learn all the pill recipes?"

Alchemy is very particular about talent, a little difference in talent, reflected in strength, is a huge difference.

Moreover, as long as he can refine three kinds of third-tier pills, he can be certified as a third-tier alchemist. There is no need to learn everything. Huang Yueli has to learn so much because of Dai Boqi's strict requirements.

Dai Boqi nodded after listening to Liu Buyan's words, "Forget it, let me teach you some of the simplest third-tier pills first, and the exam questions for the rookie contest won't be too difficult, so hurry up and practice them. , when the time comes, deal with it first. The rest, later, Master will teach you slowly!"

Naturally, Huang Yueli had no objection, and under Dai Boqi's guidance, began to refine the third-order elixir.

"The third level is a watershed for alchemists. Most alchemists with ordinary talents may not be able to break through this bottleneck in their lifetime. Even a genius like you must be careful..."

Huang Yueli didn't pay attention to it at first, and accidentally destroyed a batch of pills.

This is the first time she has shown a waste pill, and Liu Buyan, who was watching, burst into laughter, "It's not easy, it's not easy, my talented little junior sister finally made a mistake! Great, you have been such a genius, I am here Master will fall out of favor!"

Huang Yueli was speechless for a while, what kind of person is this! Such gloating!

She raised her chin, "This is an accident, next time, I won't fail again!"

She cheered up and became more cautious. The next few refinements were all successful.

Since she had been standing beside the high-temperature alchemy furnace, Huang Yueli was already sweating profusely from the heat. Big drops of sweat dripped down her temples, forming thin spots on her face. The mist made her look messy and wild.

Looking at her focused profile, Liu Buyan couldn't help sighing in his heart.

How could he not be moved by such a talented and stunning girl? It's a pity...the love is deep...the relationship is shallow...

Just when he was sighing, Huang Yueli had already finished refining three batches of pills, and she proudly raised her head, "How is it? I'm good enough, right?"

Liu Buyan nodded and said sincerely, "That's amazing!"

Even Dai Boqi, who has always been demanding, was very satisfied with the little apprentice's performance.

"Well, yes, you are now at the level of a third-tier alchemist, and your strength is very good. However, in order to ensure that you can win the championship, I have to ask you to do one thing as a teacher!"

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