Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

Chapter 2126 Has Miracle Doctor Dai accepted his apprentice? (1)

The process of subduing the Neon Heart Fire is almost the same as that of the Vientiane Spirit Fire.

Huang Yueli subdued the strange fire with almost no effort, and then looked at it happily.

Neon Heart Fire is a kind of strange fire with water attributes, which helps to increase the alchemy rate of medicinal materials. A few pills come.

However, doing so is also risky. The cost of increasing the number of pills is to increase the possibility of alchemy failure.

Therefore, Dai Boqi added a few words to her, "Using the Neon Heart Fire to make alchemy is prone to failure, so don't use it casually unless you have to. Only the pills that you are sure of can use the Neon Heart Fire to improve the alchemy." Efficiency, otherwise, it is likely to be self-defeating."

Huang Yueli hurriedly said: "Master, don't worry, I won't mess around."

She is her own craftsman, and she has encountered similar situations many times in refining crafts. She understands the truth that haste makes waste.

With two different fires in hand, Huang Yueli seemed to have taken a reassurance, and became more confident about tomorrow's match.


The next day, Dilingcheng's five-year alchemist rookie competition officially started.

This time, the Alchemist Guild set the venue for the competition on a large square in front of the Tianling Chamber of Commerce.

This is the busiest business district in the entire Emperor Ling City. Usually, there are people coming and going. domain came.

The race starts at Chen time, but from Mao time onwards, the surrounding roads are crowded.

Most of the alchemists participating in the competition were well prepared and rushed to the arena to report for duty very early.

At three o'clock, only one of the contestants on the list hadn't arrived yet.

Master Shen, who was in charge of the registration, frowned at the list, "What's the matter? The competition is about to start, why is there still no one here? It can't be that there are too many people and they are squeezed out and can't get in. ?”

"Even if you can't get in, so what? Naturally, he should come early for such an important competition! He just arrived now, and even if he was late, he didn't pay attention to it! Just disqualify!" Another Master Zhang snorted coldly. With a sound, he said indifferently.

The alchemist guild originally sat facing south, and the importance and authority of this competition was second to none in Tianling Continent, so the requirements for the contestants were naturally very strict.

Once you are late, you will be disqualified without mercy, and you will not even have a chance to defend yourself.

Unexpectedly, Master Shen sighed after hearing his words.

"Oh, but the one who hasn't come yet is not an ordinary person!"

"Oh? Who? What else can be so great? It's not necessarily the alchemy geniuses cultivated by the seven holy places, right? Even if they come from the seven holy places, they have to abide by the rules! Our alchemist guild is also a super powerful force, Afraid they won't succeed?" Master Zhang was still very arrogant.

Master Shen shook his head and said: "But this... is really different! She is the personal disciple of Miracle Doctor Dai!"

"Oh, Dai Miracle Doctor's personal disciple..." Master Zhang suddenly came back to his senses in the middle of speaking, and his eyes widened, "Wait, tell me again? Which Dai Miracle Doctor?"

Master Shen said: "Who else wears a miracle doctor!"

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