Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

Chapter 2135 The rookie contest begins (4)

Anyone with a bit of a brain would realize that their prejudice against Huang Yueli just now is not advisable.

Dai Boqi has always had his eyes on the top, and he would accept such an apprentice like her, he certainly couldn't just look at Liu Buyan's face.

Maybe, Huang Yueli really has a high talent in alchemy and can perform well in the rookie contest.

However, no one thought that Huang Yueli could win the final championship.

After all, alchemy is an advanced subject that requires long-term practice to accumulate experience. A novice who has learned it for less than a month, no matter how talented he is, how strong can he be?

In the stands, Dai Boqi's face was bright, and the corner of his mouth was already smiling.

"It's really a bunch of ignorant guys, isn't it just sorting a few low-level weeds? The apprentice of the old man is not the first. Is it worth making such a fuss?"

Li Moying nodded when she heard the words, "That's right, my little Li'er is extremely talented, and it's their turn to judge him? How stupid!"

It's rare for Liu Buyan to agree with him, "When my junior sister refines a third-level elixir, let them see what a real genius is!"

Luo Jiyun was listening on the side, sweating coldly, very speechless.

These few... aren't they too narcissistic? Although the little sister-in-law is really powerful, but... is it really okay for everyone to laugh so awkwardly?

Not long after, Feng Xiaoyan also finished her sorting work.

She wiped the sweat from her forehead, raised her head, and rang the bell impatiently.

Master Zhang came over to check, and said: "That's right, among the two hundred medicinal herbs, there are only two that are not properly divided, and the speed is so fast, it can be said that they are the second place in the first round of competition! As expected of President Feng Your daughter!"

Feng Xiaoyan originally heard Master Zhang praise her, she was full of smiles, and she was very proud, but she didn't expect to hear that at the end, she found that she was only the second place!

She was stunned, "What? Second place? Is there anyone faster than me?"

She was very focused on sorting her own herbs just now, and she was focused on winning the first place, she was not distracted from paying attention to other people's situation at all, so she didn't realize that Huang Yueli had already taken the first place.

Master Zhang was a little surprised, "What? Didn't you hear that just now? Bai Ruoli, the master disciple of Dai Miracle Physician, had already completed the sorting, and there was no mistake! This first place is well-deserved!"

When Feng Xiaoyan heard that the first place was actually Huang Yueli, her face suddenly became a little ugly.

"It's her? How could it be her?"

Feng Xiaoyan was so angry that her teeth were itching, and she was about to cry out. Fortunately, she quickly remembered that last time when she was at Miracle Doctor Dai's place, Huang Yueli had sorted the nine-leaf zhicao and Feng Zhensheng in front of her and Feng Zhensheng. Nine-leaf Ganoderma lucidum, at that time, her speed was even more astonishing!

In this way, that dead girl has a very high wood attribute talent!

Feng Xiaoyan gritted her teeth, couldn't deny it, shook her head resentfully, and went to the rest area.

At this time, Huang Yueli had already been sitting in the rest area for a long time, holding a teacup in her hand, drinking water quietly.

She is extremely beautiful, so even if she is drinking water alone, she looks like a picture scroll, which is pleasing to the eye.

When Feng Xiaoyan walked over, Huang Yueli just raised her head.

The two looked at each other, and Huang Yueli averted her eyes lightly.

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