Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

Chapter 2163 The methods are too low-level (4)

It never occurred to her that this time, it was clear that she was sure of everything, and it would be bad luck for that dead girl.

In the end, Huang Yueli managed to turn the bad luck into good luck so miraculously, turning the disadvantaged situation around.

Not only did he not lose face as Feng Xiaoyan imagined, but on the contrary, he made a big splash again!

Feng Xiaoyan swayed, and in a trance, he suddenly smelled a pungent burnt smell in his nose.

Her mind trembled, she hurriedly turned her head, and found that she had been too busy looking at Huang Yueli's situation just now, and hadn't paid any attention to her own alchemy furnace. Now, her own elixir has turned into an alchemy due to the high and low temperature of the flame. A pile of coke!

Comparing with Huang Yueli who got 100 points over there, they are simply two extremes!

Feng Xiaoyan was so angry that he slapped the alchemy furnace hard, "Damn it! How could it be like this!"

Her curse was not very soft, Huang Yueli heard it, turned her head, glanced at her, and stopped Master Zhang who was about to leave.

"Master Zhang, please wait a moment! There is one more thing that needs your help!"

Master Zhang was startled, and turned around, "Miss Bai, what else do you need?"

Master Zhang was originally a kind person, but now he spoke to Huang Yueli in a tone of awe, besides kindness.

A talented alchemy genius like Huang Yueli might become a higher-level alchemy master in a few years. Master Zhang didn't dare to put on airs of a senior in front of her.

Huang Yueli was also very polite, and said: "Master Zhang, I would like to ask, why did this thing suddenly appear in my alchemy furnace?"

"What?" Master Zhang looked blank.

Huang Yueli extinguished the strange fire, stretched out her hand from the bottom of the alchemy furnace, and gently picked out a small piece of crystal clear cryolite.

Master Zhang frowned slightly, puzzled, "This is... a cryolite? Didn't you put this cryolite in by yourself?"

Huang Yueli shook her head and said, "Of course not! I was in the final stage of congealing the pill just now. At this time, we must pay more attention to increasing the firepower so that the medicinal effect of the pill can be completely condensed. As long as an alchemist with a little bit of experience can It is impossible to lower the temperature of the furnace at this time. Moreover, what I controlled just now is just the most common open fire, even if I want to lower the temperature, I don’t need cryolite, I just need to control it manually.”

What she said was well-founded, Master Zhang thought about it, and it was indeed the truth.

However, in this way, it is even more confusing.

"Miss Bai, what do you mean, just now your furnace fire suddenly went out, it was not because of your own misoperation, but because a piece of cryolite accidentally fell into the fire hole? How could such a thing happen?" Master Zhang Said with a frown.

Huang Yueli smiled lightly and said, "Cryolite doesn't have long legs, how could it be possible for me to 'accidentally' fall into it?"

Her words meant something, and the meaning was very obvious, and everyone present immediately reacted.

For a moment, they were all surprised.

"Miss Bai, does it mean that someone secretly slipped a piece of cryolite under her alchemy furnace?"

"This... how could such a thing happen? Why do you want to do this?"

"Speaking of which, it's a competition now. If someone doesn't like Miss Bai's lead, it's not impossible to trick her! It's just that this method is too low-level!"

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