Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

Chapter 2193 Kiss if you don't agree with each other (2)

"In this way, if there is any accident, we can also deal with it one or two."

Dai Boqi's opinion was very practical, so from the next day, Huang Yueli began to study the Golden Needle Crossing Point hard.

In addition, due to the importance of the relationship, almost the entire Cangxuan Sword Sect was mobilized to prepare for a few people's trip to the extreme northern ice field.

Huang Yueli studied with Dai Boqi during the day, and at night she had to find time to refine profound weapons and hidden weapons in case of emergencies.

After working for three or four days, she was obviously very tired, her eyes were red, and she looked like a pitiful little rabbit.

When Li Moying saw her like this, her heart ached terribly, and she resolutely refused to let her go on like this.

Huang Yueli refused to listen to him, so he simply rushed into the craftsman at dusk and carried his little fox out.

"Put me down, let me down!" Trapped in his arms, Huang Yueli refused to obey at all, desperately shaking her two slender legs, trying to jump off.

However, Li Moying's strength was so strong that she couldn't move at all when he was clasped around her waist.

Huang Yueli struggled for a while, her hair fell down, but she still couldn't break free.

She suddenly became angry, and said with a puffy face: "Li Moying, I warn you, you must put me down quickly, otherwise, I will beat you! You can't use profound strength now, I can easily beat you Looking for teeth all over the place!"

She felt that she was already very fierce, but in Li Moying's eyes, she looked like a little fox with fried hair, not only not fierce enough, but also very cute.

Li Moying freed up a hand, pinched her rosy cheeks, and said with a smile: "Are you willing? Then you hit me? I guarantee that I won't fight back when I beat you or scold me. Is it enough to be obedient?"


Seeing his rascal face, Huang Yueli was so angry that she punched him right in the chest.

However, she still didn't dare to use her profound strength, and just smashed it heavily with the strength of her body.

Even so, Huang Yueli's body had been forged in the Phoenix Blood Pond, and her strength was extraordinary. If an ordinary warrior of the same level was hit by her like this, she would at least suffer some minor injuries.

However, when such a punch hit Li Moying's chest, Huang Yueli felt as if she had hit an iron plate. Her soft little hands were hurt by the force of the shock, and this man...

"Ouch! It hurts!" Li Moying let out an exaggerated scream.

Immediately, Huang Yueli felt her body fall down suddenly, and before she could react, she found a soft touch coming from her body.

She was startled, and then realized that at some time, Li Moying had carried her back to the bedroom.

Huang Yueli frowned, propped up her body, and wanted to get up, "Li Moying! What are you doing? I said I'm not sleepy, I'm not tired! Do you know that I'm still refining in the alchemy furnace?" Making a seventh-order profound weapon! If I didn’t watch the fire from the sidelines, the refining would easily fail! You let me go, I have to go back and look... huh!”

Li Moying listened to her chattering incessantly, her deep black eyes were staring at her rosy lips that kept opening and closing, her eyes gradually deepened...

Finally, he couldn't bear it anymore, lowered his head, blocked Huang Yueli's lips, and blocked all the words she hadn't finished speaking.

Huang Yueli's eyes widened, she couldn't believe that this man used such shameless steps!

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