Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

Chapter 2227 It's a miracle! (1)

Near the mechanism she observed yesterday, the people from Ice Snake Valley have been waiting for a long time.

Today, Meng Hongye came over in person.

Huang Yueli was not surprised to see her at all, and her attitude was very casual, she just nodded to Meng Hongye, and asked directly: "Guzhu Meng, I asked you for the materials yesterday, I don't know if you are Already prepared?"

Meng Hongye didn't answer her question, but asked instead: "Miss Bai, please tell me the truth, how sure are you that you can repair these defense mechanisms and formations?"

Huang Yueli shrugged her shoulders and said, "It... depends on the quality of the materials you bring, and also, whether the personnel you send are strong enough!"

Before Meng Hongye could speak, Meng Wan'er couldn't help but snorted.

"What a big tone! It's true!"

Since Meng Hongye was still at the side, Meng Wan'er didn't dare to speak too loudly, but Huang Yueli stood very close, so she could still hear what she said clearly.

Huang Yueli raised her eyebrows when she heard this, "Master Meng, it looks like Miss Meng doesn't trust me at all? If you really don't believe in my level of crafting, I won't force it, it's a thankless thing , I won't do it!"

Hearing what she said, Meng Wan'er stood up and said, "Hehe, what do you mean? I have to repair it by hand, so why don't you do it? It seems that she knows that she is blowing too much, and she is afraid that she will not be able to make it round, so she is ready to fall into ruin And escaped?"

"Wan'er, shut up! Don't be rude to Miss Bai!"

Before Huang Yueli could speak, Meng Hongye had already snarled, interrupting Meng Wan'er's taunting.

"But, Master..." Meng Wan'er felt extremely wronged immediately.

She decided that Huang Yueli was a liar, and she was fighting for the interests of Ice Snake Valley at this time, how could she know that not only did the master not praise her, but he was so harsh on the contrary?

Meng Hongye glanced at her warningly, and when she turned to Huang Yueli, her voice became a lot more polite.

"Miss Bai, my apprentice has been staying in the Ice Snake Valley. I have not gone out to see the world. I have spoiled her. Don't be as knowledgeable as her! Yesterday you asked her to pass the message. I have brought all the materials needed. I also found the warriors of the Ninth Realm you mentioned."

Huang Yueli smiled and said: "Master Meng, yesterday you were worried that I came to deceive you, why did you change your mind today?"

Meng Hongye didn't make any detours, and said directly: "To be honest, I have records of the materials used by the Master of the Phoenix Palace to arrange these organs before. The materials you asked us to prepare yesterday, exactly corresponded, and they all appeared. There is absolutely no error in the materials needed for the faulty parts. If you hadn't really seen the problem with these organs, it would be impossible to say so accurately!"

Meng Hongye came here in person today because of this.

Huang Yueli's list of materials made her realize that this young craftsman who came to him suddenly seemed to have two talents.

In this way, this so-called transaction has changed from a farce to a top priority in Ice Snake Valley.

Meng Hongye changed from yesterday's negligent attitude and became extremely serious. Early in the morning, she personally rushed to the scene to sit in charge.

But Meng Wan'er didn't understand the stakes in this, she thought that Meng Hongye was angered by Huang Yueli's lion, and she was still secretly happy in her heart.

I believe everyone has seen the notice that this book is free for a limited time. Starting from 0:00 tonight, this book will be free for a limited time for 24 hours. After the end, it will start to explode at 0:00 on April 5th. There will be many climaxes at the same time, please support me a lot~

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