Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

Chapter 2230 It's a miracle! (4)

A sneer appeared on the corner of Meng Wan'er's mouth, and she felt even more that Huang Yueli's embarrassment should be lost!

However, at this moment, Huang Yueli, who was standing at the center of the formation, did not notice Meng Wan'er's emotional change at all.

Even the screams of ordinary disciples in Ice Snake Valley couldn't reach her ears at all.

All her attention was put on this large mechanism completed in her previous life, every trace of spiritual power in her mind, every trace of profound power in her meridians had been mobilized.

Now, the mechanism has been fully activated, so there is no room for any mistakes!

The power of the ninth-level mechanism is infinite, even if it is a strong person in the ninth level who is hit head-on by it, it will be close to death, not to mention her in the seventh level!

As long as there is a slight mistake, it will end in pieces!

However, although the situation was tense, Huang Yueli's face was still calm, and every instruction was calm and unhurried.

"Tianshu position, inject 70% of the profound power!"

"Tianxuan position, Tianquan position, Kaiyang position, listen to my countdown, and inject profound energy at the same time. Three, two, one, start! Very good!"

"The Tianshu position counts down to five breaths, stop inputting profound energy."

"Next, you can place the ten Broken Star Jade in the damaged position on the lower right one by one. Please be prepared..."


Huang Yueli's sweet and pleasant voice kept ringing out on the empty snow field.

Every instruction is concise and powerful, very clearly indicating every operation that should be performed.

Under her command, every martial artist who participated in it, although a string was tensed, did not feel panic or confusion.

Huang Yueli's voice and tone seemed to have a kind of magical power, which could make those who listened to her command for the first time believe that as long as they trusted her wholeheartedly, followed her requirements, and meticulously completed and done well, they would definitely be able to achieve their goals. The ultimate goal!

And it is true.

It is still difficult for people in the formation to perceive the overall situation, but bystanders standing outside the formation can clearly see that the mechanism that was already obviously damaged has begun to burn under the flames. Gradually re-condensed into shape, and some parts that were deformed and tilted are also gradually returning to their original right track.

As time went by, the warriors who assisted her in the formation cooperated with her more and more tacitly, and the speed of repair became faster and faster.

The people outside the formation were already stunned.

An hour ago, except for a few people from the Cangxuan Sword Sect, no one would have believed that such a young girl could repair such a high-level mechanism!

Even if you think about it, it makes people feel that this is a fantasy.

However, at this moment, the facts were already in front of them.

A miracle really happened!

The expression on Meng Hongye's face was first stunned, then shocked. She couldn't maintain her usual high-cold image, and rubbed her eyes several times to prove that she was right.

Finally, with a look of surprise on her face, she took out a papyrus scroll from her sleeve, opened it, and looked carefully at the sunlight.

"That's right, not bad at all! The finished drawing designed by the Phoenix Palace Master back then is just like it is now, with no deviation at all! It seems that she can really restore the mechanism!"

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