Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

Section 2241 had to bow (1)

"If you want to blame, you can only blame Junior Sister Wan'er for being too careless!"

Meng Wan'er struggled to wake up. What she wanted to see was that the Ice Snake Valley disciples would take revenge on Huang Yueli who seriously injured her, and make that dead girl regret what she had done.

In the end, who would have thought that when she opened her eyes, what she saw was all the disciples surrounding Huang Yueli with stars and stars, and they almost praised her to the sky!

Even, no one spoke for her, Meng Wan'er, and thought she deserved her injury!

Meng Wan'er was so angry that she almost fainted again, the blood in her chest was churning, and she vomited several mouthfuls of blood.

Fortunately, Meng Hongye was always by her side, continuously injecting profound energy into her body to help her stabilize her qi and blood and repair her meridians.

After a while, Meng Wan'er regained a little bit of strength.

She didn't care about other things, and she immediately yelled towards Huang Yueli: " bastard, who made me suffer so badly! It's all you, if it wasn't for you, how could I have done this?" ……how come……"

She cursed halfway, and couldn't catch her breath again, coughing again and again.

Huang Yueli walked over with a concerned face, and said with self-blame: "Miss Meng, this... I'm really sorry, I really didn't expect that when you shot, your accuracy was so poor... If I had known earlier, I would have I absolutely dare not let you come to test the mechanism..."

Meng Wan'er managed to stop coughing, but after hearing this, she started coughing again.

On the surface, Huang Yueli was apologizing to her, but what would others think when they heard it? They will definitely feel that Meng Wan'er's strength is too weak! Facing a huge mechanism that can't move at all, it can't even aim at it!

Meng Wan'er gritted her teeth and said, "'re ashamed to say it! You obviously did it on purpose! Why did I attack the mechanism so many times just now, but nothing happened, and the last attack was reversed? It's obvious that you are behind the scenes Damn it!"

Huang Yueli looked frightened, and explained extremely aggrieved: "This... I can explain this. This mechanism is so big, and not all positions will reflect damage, only the small area in the middle. However, when attacking other positions, all the profound energy will be stored in the organ. Once someone attacks the central position, all the profound energy stored in the organ will be rebounded at once, causing a one-time blow to the attacker. serious injury..."

After hearing this, everyone present finally understood.

Just now everyone was still wondering why Meng Wan'er didn't get hit by the shock until the last time, but she was intact the first few times. Could it be that there is a chance of the mechanism's rebound, and the chance is very low?

Now, after listening to Huang Yueli's explanation, everyone understands.

It turns out that whether the mechanism will reflect damage depends mainly on the location of the attack, and has nothing to do with the probability.

Meng Wan'er almost didn't mention it in one breath, " didn't you say it earlier?? You said it wasn't on purpose??"

Meng Wan'er felt like an idiot, but with that last blow, she actually hit the center.

It's almost as if I sent it to my door and asked someone to call it!

Moreover, she used up all her profound energy in that blow!

The damage caused by such a rebound can be imagined.

She was lucky not to be shocked to death on the spot!

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