Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

Chapter 2255 Restoration of ancient institutions (2)

At this time, several people had reached the end of the mountain corridor.

Meng Hongye walked to a huge ice-sculpted gate and stopped.

"Okay, here we are. The axis of the ancient mechanism is behind this door. Please step back a little, I'm going to open the door."

Hearing this, Li Moying immediately picked up Huang Yueli and led her back dozens of steps, and everyone else followed.

Meng Hongye stretched out his hand, and pressed several times on the mechanism beside the door. Immediately, the ground shook from side to side.

With a bang, the ice sculpture door slowly opened...

Since it had not been opened for many years, as the door moved, the dust accumulated in the cracks of the door and on the ground was rolled up and scattered around.

Meng Hongye was choked and coughed for a while, before saying: "Okay, please come in with me."

Li Moying put Huang Yueli down, took her hand, and walked towards the gate.

Inside the door, the temperature seemed to be even lower than outside, but in just a moment, everyone's eyebrows were covered with a thin layer of frost, and the hot air they exhaled condensed into ice crystals in the air .

In the empty room, everything is also made of ice and snow.

Right in the middle of the room, stands a huge icicle. It can be seen that the axis of the mechanism made of ice and snow runs through the entire iceberg. Protruding all the way deep into the ground.

Surrounding the mechanism axis, there are all kinds of complicated mechanism parts on the periphery, and each part is very delicate and complicated.

It's just that these mechanical parts that were supposed to be running non-stop, now all seem to be completely frozen, motionless.

Meng Hongye pointed to the icicle in the middle, and introduced: "This is the axis of the ancient organ. If you have seen it in the handbook of the Lord of the Phoenix Palace, you should have understood it. The axis of the organ is the axis of control. The key to the entire giant mechanism, it has been running day and night until the mechanism is not damaged. This mechanism was able to completely isolate the blizzard of the extreme arctic ice field. In the past, the location of the ice snake valley was the extreme north An oasis in the ice field, the temperature is not much different from the northern sky."

Huang Yueli knew about these situations a long time ago, so she just nodded lightly.

However, it was the first time Cang Pojun and the others heard about it, and they couldn't help showing a look of astonishment.

"This mechanism actually still has such a role! Can it maintain such a large oasis in a place as cold as the extreme arctic ice sheet?"

Meng Hongye nodded and said: "Yes, there are records in the ancient books preserved in Ice Snake Valley, but I haven't seen it with my own eyes. Moreover, this is just one of the functions of the ancient mechanism. The biggest function of this mechanism is to use it to Resisting foreign enemies, it is said that in ancient times, when this mechanism was used with all its strength, it could kill warriors in the tenth level!"

"What?? Killed a tenth level warrior??"

This time, even Liu Buyan was frightened and cried out in surprise.

Meng Hongye looked a little proud when he saw everyone's expressions changed, "Why are you all so surprised? In ancient times, there were not a few warriors in the tenth level of Tianling Continent. If they don't even have this ability, what about Ice Snake Valley?" What about protecting the clansmen of the clan?"

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