Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

Chapter 2284 Shameless? (1)

"This... is this too delicious? This is the first time I have eaten such a delicious barbecue. The skin is crispy and the inside is soft and tender. Moreover, I have eaten wolf meat before, and it always has a very obvious smell. In addition to the rough texture of the meat, it is a bit difficult to swallow. But the wolf meat roasted by Master Huang has no such problems at all, how did this happen?" Cang Pohun was amazed.

He has always loved food, so when he praised Huang Yueli, he was more on point.

Such flattery, of course, made Huang Yueli very useful.

She said with a smile: "Well... of course there are tricks, but the most important thing is that I am a warrior of the fire attribute! To put it bluntly, cooking is also a kind of art of controlling fire, but what is heated by flames is food , rather than refining equipment or alchemy materials! In comparison, cooking is much simpler!"

"So that's the case!" Cang Pohun nodded, and immediately had a new question: "So, all the craftsmen and alchemists should be good at cooking? Then why..."

Halfway through his speech, he glanced at Liu Buyan and stopped.

However, what he meant was obvious. Everyone knew he was asking why Liu Buyan couldn't cook!

Liu Buyan was called by Cang Pohun, but his face remained unchanged, he just coughed a few times to cover up.

"Ahem, what's so strange about this? Our alchemists are craftsmen, and many of them are ascetic and focus on health preservation. Few of them like food. Look at my master, he only eats vegetables and fruits every day, and never eats vegetables. The meat of Warcraft, what kind of food you tell him, you are playing the piano with the cow!"

Huang Yueli couldn't help but laugh, "You arrange Master like this, be careful that I go back and sue him!"

After eating the barbecue, they got into the tent that had been set up in advance, ready to rest.

Because Huang Yueli had set up a concealment circle around the camp, they were not disturbed for the whole night.

Early the next morning, when the sky was light, everyone got up and prepared to continue on their way.

On this day, the blizzard stopped, and there was a rare ray of sunshine above the snow field.

Huang Yueli stretched her waist, and said: "It's almost time for us to leave, I wonder if Meng Wan'er has woken up, and has the injury worsened?"

Liu Buyan immediately said: "Junior sister doesn't trust my medical skills? Don't worry, she won't die, and by now, she should be mostly cured."

As soon as he finished speaking, the curtain of Meng Wan'er's tent was lifted from the inside.

Meng Wan'er came out with a haggard look.

She didn't look surprised when she saw a few people in the camp, but she blinked her eyes, suddenly pursed her lips, and she felt coy, tears streaming down her face.

"Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow Your great kindness, I really... can't repay even if I am broken into pieces."

As she was talking, she suddenly knelt down on the ground, burst into tears, and stepped forward on her knees, trying to hug Li Moying's thigh.

Li Moying was taken aback, and quickly stepped back, hiding behind Huang Yueli.

His handsome sword eyebrows frowned, and his face became quite stern, "Miss Meng, don't get me wrong, I didn't save you, it was Mr. Cang."

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