Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

Chapter 2381 Li Moying sober (2)

He nodded and said proudly, "That's right? Don't you want to see whose daughter it is?"

Huang Yueli nodded hurriedly, and after clapping a few more words, she changed the subject and said, "Daddy, it's getting late, you should go to bed early too..."

Bai Liufeng glanced at her, and said: "Li girl, you don't mean to say something nice and trick daddy to go to rest, so you can sneak away to accompany that brat, right?"

Huang Yueli's heart skipped a beat!

Her father is a little too shrewd, isn't he? He saw it all!

She quickly shook her head and said, " such thing! Daddy has already said, that's not good, why would I not listen to Daddy?"

Hearing the words, Bai Liufeng said with satisfaction: "That's good, she really is Daddy's good daughter! You haven't eaten for the past few days, have you? Daddy is going to get you something to eat. Take a rest and come out for dinner in half an hour." .”

It wasn't until this time that Huang Yueli realized that she was so hungry that her chest was pressed against her back.

Since entering Fengxue Palace, they had hardly eaten anything for two full days.

Everyone's interspatial rings had some dry food, but in a place like Fengxue Palace, they were in danger again and again, so they really didn't feel like eating.

Huang Yueli was immediately moved and said: "It's still because Daddy is thoughtful..."

Bai Liufeng stopped in his tracks, pushed open the door of a small courtyard, and said, "You should live here first! Bedding, pillows, etc. are all in the storage room on the right."

Huang Yueli nodded and walked in.

After entering the courtyard, she realized that she seemed to have forgotten to ask Bai Liufeng something very important, that is why he was in the extreme north ice field, near Tianyi Peak!

People in the Nanyue Kingdom all say that Bai Liufeng has been dead for many years, and he has never been back to see her, his daughter, for more than ten years...

Now, he appears here, and, from the looks of it, he is very familiar with Fengxue Palace and the surrounding environment, obviously he has been here for a long time...

What's the inside story here?

Huang Yueli was suspicious, but she couldn't find a chance to have a detailed discussion with Bai Liufeng.

Because, Li Moying's condition recurred again, occupying all her attention, completely ignoring Bai Liufeng.

In fact, after she had dinner with Bai Liufeng that day, Cang Pohun came to her and said that Li Moying was haunted by a nightmare again and was twitching in pain.

Huang Yueli knew that it was because she left her side, so she hurried back.

Bai Liufeng tried to stop her behind her, but unfortunately, it didn't work at all.

When Li Moying's illness didn't flare up, Huang Yueli was still willing to respect her father and listen to him, but when she really saw Li Moying's pain, she couldn't care less about anything!

No one can surpass Li Moying's position in her heart!

"Xiao Li'er, Xiao Li'er...don't...don't leave me...don't!"

As soon as Huang Yueli ran to the door, she heard Li Moying's hoarse groans coming from inside.

Her heart ached so much that she was about to pull herself up, and she rushed to Li Moying's bedside in three steps.

"Mo Ying, Mo Ying, how are you? Don't worry, I'm right by your side!"

"Xiao Li'er...don't...die!" He breathed out in a low voice.

Huang Yueli sat on the side of the bed, put Li Moying's head on her lap, and gently pressed his temple.

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