Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

Chapter 2417 The past more than ten years ago (9)

When Huang Yueli and Li Moying heard this, they both looked shocked and looked at each other.

Ninety-nine percent of this man wearing a ghost mask is Master Zhan!

It's just that neither of them expected that this person had actually been to Nanyue country and had contact with Bai Liufeng and his wife.

Thinking of the scene at that time, Bai Liufeng's expression was a little stiff, and he paused before continuing.

"I rushed up immediately, wanting to rescue your mother, but when your mother saw me, her face changed in fright, and she kept telling me to run away. I had already seen at that time that the man with the ghost face was amazing. She is a super strong person that I will never be able to defeat, but how could I leave her alone? So, that man shot at me!"

"At that time, I was only at the seventh level of cultivation, and the opponent was a strong man at the ninth level, who could kill me on the spot with one move. It was your mother who stood in front of me desperately, and I managed to save my life. After waking up from a coma, your mother and that ghost-faced man have long since disappeared, and when I was unconscious, I was rescued by Jin Yuwei who passed by the suburbs and sent back to Wuweihou Mansion."

"Later, I tried my best to find out who it was who took your mother away, but there was no clue. You grow up day by day, and you look more and more like your mother, and you are smart and cute. Finally It can make up for the pain in my heart a little bit. However, I still haven't given up and have been inquiring about your mother's whereabouts."

"When you were three years old, a friend of mine came to visit South Vietnam. He accidentally mentioned that he went to practice in the frozen area of ​​the Arctic Ice Field a few days ago. The man who took your mother away back then is exactly the same!"

"It took several years before I got such a clue. I immediately decided to go to the Arctic Ice Field!"

Having said that, Bai Liufeng stopped again.

Huang Yueli hastily asked: "What happened next? Daddy? What happened after you arrived at the extreme northern ice field? With your strength at that time, it should be impossible to defeat Mr. Zhan. Let mother come out!"

What Bai Liufeng said earlier, Huang Yueli basically guessed it long ago.

What really puzzled her was Bai Liufeng's experience after leaving Nanyue Kingdom.

Who would have known that Bai Liufeng didn't say anything after talking about this!

Bai Liufeng glanced at her, but still didn't speak, as if he was thinking about what to say next.

Huang Yueli had been observing the expression on his face, and suddenly said: "Daddy, you promised to tell me the truth behind the scenes, you can't go back on your word!"

Bai Liufeng was taken aback for a moment, and then his face turned red!

This little girl exposed his thoughts again! I knew I wouldn't have made her so smart!

Bai Liufeng coughed and said, "Ahem, how could it be? Who is your father? How can you go back on what you promised?"

Facing Huang Yueli's distrustful gaze, he quickly sorted out his thoughts and continued, "In short, after I entrusted you to your second uncle, I said that I wanted to practice and left Nanyue Kingdom to enter the the Arctic ice sheets."

"When I first arrived at the Arctic Ice Field, I was completely unfamiliar with the situation here. For a long time, I have not found any trace of Mr. Zhan. I have been wandering in the frozen area for more than a year. I thought that my friend had misread it and was about to leave……"

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