Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

Chapter 2419 The past more than ten years ago (11)

When the story reached the most critical moment, Huang Yueli unconsciously sat up straight and moved a little closer, wanting to hear more clearly.

Even Li Moying put down the teacup in his hand with a dignified expression.

Bai Liufeng said: "Unfortunately, I didn't do much research on the formation back then. Although I peeked at the opening method of Fengxue Palace, I was trapped in a secret room as soon as I entered the underground palace. Not only that, but I also touched the secret room. The mechanism attracted the attention of the warriors of the Holy Phoenix Clan, and they were hunted down immediately..."


Huang Yueli and Li Moying looked at each other, they didn't expect to hear such a magical turning point.

They thought that the wise and mighty Lord Baihou would definitely fight a big battle when he entered Fengxue Palace, but it turns out... is this... a bad start?

Bai Liufeng noticed the eyes of the two, and glared at them dissatisfied, "What are you looking at? What do you mean? I was only at the peak of the Eighth Layer Realm back then, my strength was not good, and I had been growing up in the Southern Tianyu, so I didn't know what to do. If you entered the sect early to cultivate high-level exercises, if you break in rashly, the result will certainly not be good!"

Huang Yueli smiled awkwardly, and changed the topic: "Daddy, you misunderstood, we just...uh, just take a look! You can continue talking, what happened afterwards? Have you been caught by them?"

Bai Liufeng snorted: "If they caught me, I would be a puddle of blood in the blood moon formation now, how could I come to see you! But I defeated several holy phoenix clans who came to encircle and suppress me. Warrior, however, since I don't know anything about the organs and terrain in Fengxue Palace, I can't escape. Seeing that more and more people are chasing, I will be arrested sooner or later. When I was almost desperate, suddenly , the mechanism above my head has been activated again!"

"Ah! What a coincidence! What happened?" Huang Yueli knew that she had made a mistake just now, this time, she hurriedly asked out, so that her father could continue talking.

Bai Liufeng nodded in satisfaction and said: "None of you would have imagined that Lord Zhan just caught a new batch of sacrifices and came back! I took the opportunity to rush out and escaped! Lord Zhan would not let me go, of course, with a slap I was shot, and I was severely injured! Fortunately, I already knew the surrounding environment very well, and escaped by hiding in the snowdrift..."

"Although I didn't fall into Master Zhan's hands, I was seriously injured, the meridians in my body were all broken, and all my internal organs were shattered. It was almost impossible to live to see the sun the next day... I thought I was hopeless. You know, when I was leaning on a snow mountain waiting to die, I accidentally touched the mechanism and fell into a cave."

Bai Liufeng stopped, pointed to the roof, "...that's the cave we're staying in now!"

"Ah!" Huang Yueli's eyes widened in surprise.

The experience of Bai Liufeng just now was really thrilling. Although Bai Liufeng deliberately spoke very plainly and omitted all the details, Huang Yueli could still imagine how thrilling the scene was!

Bai Liufeng smiled, and said: "After I fell into the cave, I got all the inheritance left by the original owner of the cave, the real Yuxu. That’s right, he built this cave during his submerged training in Tianling Continent back then, and left behind a lot of secret books and manuscripts of exercises.”

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