Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

Chapter 2429 Return to Cangxuan Sword Sect (3)

Hearing the conversation between the two, Li Moying couldn't help coughing, and stepped in.

"Father-in-law, if you don't mind...Actually, I have a suggestion..."

Bai Liufeng was interrupted by him, with a displeased expression on his face, he looked up at Li Moying, "You boy, you are not a magician! Do you have any suggestions?"

Li Moying smiled lightly, and said: "Although I am not a formation master, I know an excellent formation master, and the level of formation skills is not inferior to yours!"

Bai Liufeng frowned, and said with disbelief: "How is it possible? My level of formation skills... I am not self-righteous. There are not many formation masters who can be compared with me. There are not many formation masters in Tianling Continent! Unless... yes Oh, you are from the Cangxuan Sword Sect..."

He gradually widened his eyes, remembering something.

Huang Yueli also came to her senses, and said: "Mo Ying is right, I was so confused for a moment, I didn't even think about it! Dad, Cang Poyu, the second protector of the Cangxuan Sword Sect, is currently the number one in Tianling Continent. Array Master! Although his level may not be as high as your father's, but his strength is still very strong, and he has a wide range of knowledge and has read many ancient books. If he is here, maybe he can find a new one. It's a pity that..."

Having said that, she frowned again.

Cang Poyu was left behind by Li Moying in the Cangxuan Sword Sect, which is tens of thousands of miles away!

Even if you send the letter back now, let Cang Poyu rush over from Diling City immediately, it will take at least a month to go back and forth...

Moreover, Cang Poyu is currently in charge of the suzerain, he must not leave the sect without permission, otherwise, the entire Cangxuan Sword Sect will be leaderless and in chaos!

Bai Liufeng was overjoyed at first, but then he also thought of this, and shook his head, "Guardian Yu's name is like a thunderbolt, so it's best to have his help, but, he's probably still in Diling City right now? He can't help at all. Busy!"

Li Moying smiled, and said calmly: "It is indeed a bit unrealistic to let Cang Poyu go to the extreme North Ice, but you can go back to Cangxuan Sword Sect with us? Our entire sect , will treat you as a distinguished guest, and you can also discuss it carefully with Guardian Yu and discuss it slowly. Moreover, there are many high-level formation masters and crafting masters in Diling City, and you can find someone to discuss with you if you have any questions. study."

After hearing this, Huang Yueli looked at Li Moying in surprise.

The eyes of the two met in the air, Li Moying blinked at her, and Huang Yueli immediately came to his senses.

Two months had passed, and she had thought of many ways to talk in front of Bai Liufeng, but Bai Liufeng was very tight-lipped and never leaked her words, and she still couldn't ask any valuable news.

Seeing that Li Moying's illness is about to be unbearable, and the matter has not progressed, she has been quite worried these days, thinking about sneaking out one night to discuss it with Li Moying!

In the end, Li Moying seemed to be able to read minds, and before she could ask, he came up with a solution.

Huang Yueli immediately smiled and said: "Mo Ying is so right! Daddy, haven't you been worried that I'm with Mo Ying, worried that he will bully me? Why don't you go to the Cangxuan Sword Sect with us once, Check his background, if he does something bad behind my back, you can expose him and vent your anger on me!"

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