Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

Chapter 2484 Happy Day (2)

Chi Xiaojiu, as the lord of the Lihuo Palace, one of the seven holy places, prides himself on his status, so of course he would not follow the example of those warriors from small powers and rush here early in the morning.

When he appeared with Ling Qingyu, it was already evening, and the worship ceremony was about to begin.

When Lihuo Palace's extraordinary appeared in the sky above Cangxuan Sword Sect, it also caused a commotion among nearby warriors.

"Look, it's the Purple Rainbow Spirit Boat from Lihuo Palace, it's said to be a ninth-order profound treasure no less than the Yunxue Heaven Boat!"

"As expected of Lihuo Palace, only Master Huang's sect can have such a powerful spaceship. Compared with Cangxuan Sword Sect, it is not inferior!"

"Look, the Lord of the Red Palace has come out! He is a strong man on the list!"

As soon as Chi Xiaojiu got off the spaceship, he heard bursts of admiration from the warriors onlookers, and felt a little complacent in his heart.

Twenty years ago, when Huang Yueli was still alive, every time someone from Lihuo Palace appeared, everyone's eyes would be on his junior sister.

The halo on Huang Yueli's body was too dazzling. Even though Chi Xiaojiu could be regarded as a top-notch genius in Diling City, under the cover of Huang Yueli's light, she seemed inconspicuous, and could not even arouse the attention of others. Notice.

Chi Xiaojiu is competitive by nature, on the surface he cares a lot for Huang Yueli, but in fact he has hated her so much that he can't wait to make Huang Yueli disappear on the spot!

Now, Huang Yueli is finally dead, and he has finally become the Palace Master of Lihuo Palace, so he can enjoy the worship and respect of these warriors...

However, just when Chi Xiaojiu was secretly complacent, another voice of discussion came over.

"Lihuo Palace is also one of the Seven Great Sacred Lands. It used to be so powerful. Now, doesn't the Palace Master have to come to the door in person and rush to give gifts to Cangxuan Sword Sect?"

"Isn't it? I heard that since the death of the lord of the Phoenix Palace, Lihuo Palace has no successors. Apart from Chi Xiaojiu, there are no other masters! The level of refining weapons has also plummeted! Zihong Ling The boat was also left by Master Huang back then, and the current Lihuo Palace cannot be built at all!"

"Oh, it's a pity, it's a pity... In comparison, the Cangxuan Sword Sect will stand forever! It is indeed the number one holy place! In the past, there was a top master like Sect Master Mu, and now Sect Master Li is extremely talented. After a hundred years, I am afraid that the Cangxuan Sword Sect will still rule the world!"

"There is also today's bride, Master Bai. I heard that he is already a seventh-level craftsman. Maybe he will surpass Master Huang in the past and take the title of the number one craftsman!"

Chi Xiaojiu heard it, his brows twitched, and his hand was already on the long sword at his waist!

I was so angry that I wanted to kill someone!

What's so great about that brat Li Moying? Everyone thinks that kid is stronger than him? ?

Ling Qingyu, who was standing beside him, felt his uncontrollable anger, and couldn't help frowning.

"Palace Master Chi, don't forget that we have business to do here today! Now that we haven't even entered the gate of the Cangxuan Sword Sect, you just want to cause trouble?"

Chi Xiaojiu just woke up like a dream, snorted coldly, and withdrew his right hand from the hilt of his sword!

"It's okay, it's getting late, let's go in quickly!"

Save the lives of these blind bastards first, and the Fire Palace will replace the Cangxuan Sword Sect as the number one Holy Land, and he will definitely want these guys to look good!

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