Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

Chapter 2498 Mu Chengying...isn't dead yet! (6)

Li Moying said slowly: "There is no need to invite, in fact, Mu Chengying has always been in the main hall."

Chi Xiaojiu was startled, "What did you say?"

The warriors present all thought that they had heard it wrong, and when they realized it, they were all in an uproar.

"Sect Master Mu is in the main hall of the Floating Sword Palace? Where is it? Where is it?"

"Could it be mixed among the people of Cangxuan Sword Sect?"

"Impossible? I have met all these elders of the Cangxuan Sword Sect, and it is impossible for them to be Mu Chengying."

"What's going on? Couldn't Master Li lie to us?"

Everyone couldn't help but left their seats, stood up, looked around, trying to find Mu Chengying from the crowd!

However, no matter how they looked at it, they couldn't see which warrior beside them might belong to Mu Chengying!

Mu Chengying before the retreat was the most beautiful man in Tianling Continent. With his cultivation strength, he is absolutely superior to all heroes. Anyone can recognize him at a glance. How could it be impossible to find him after searching for a long time?

Chi Xiaojiu's gaze also swept across the crowd repeatedly, and finally he turned cold and turned to Li Moying again.

"Sect Master Li, do you think all the fighters present are fools? Sect Master Mu is in the main hall? Where is it? Do you think we are all blind??"

Li Moying curled his lips coldly, "You are all blind indeed! Mu Chengying has always!"

As the last two words spilled from his lips, Li Moying flipped his wrist, and the Purple Light Sword was unsheathed!

A unparalleled lightning shot up into the sky, and the dazzling cold light caused the warriors with low cultivation to lose their eyesight on the spot!

This bolt of lightning rushed out from the gate of the main hall, and hit the most famous formation of ten thousand swords on the top of Floating Sword Palace!

Almost in an instant, the formation was fully activated.

Loud and sharp sword sounds came from all directions, resounding through the sky!

At the same time, the sword energy, as cold as water and as sharp as a knife, permeated the entire Floating Sword Palace in an instant!

All the guests in the main hall changed their faces at the same time!

Cangxuan Sword Sect's most powerful Ten Thousand Swords Formation, it is impossible for any warrior in Emperor Ling City not to have heard of it!

This great formation has been passed down from ancient times. Even tens of thousands of years ago, it was a top-notch formation capable of rivaling all strong men. Instantly turned into powder! Destroyed!

Under such a powerful coercion, which martial artist does not feel afraid, does not feel frightened?

Some principals of small powers were even trembling with fright, and almost peed their pants.

Even the peak masters of the Ninth Level Realm of the Six Great Sacred Grounds were all pale!

The Ten Thousand Swords Formation is terrifying, but what is even more terrifying is the person who controls the Ten Thousand Swords Formation!

The method of the Cangxuan Sword Sect to control the Great Formation of Ten Thousand Swords has been passed down from generation to generation, and only the suzerain can exert the full power of the formation! Moreover, it will be passed on to his successor just before the death of the current suzerain. It is absolutely impossible for two people to activate the formation at the same time.

But now, this formation that has been silent for many years has regained its full power...

Could it be that Mu Chengying is still alive? ?

Thinking of this, Chi Xiaojiu's legs went limp for a while, and he almost knelt down on the spot.

Based on what he did at the wedding today, if Mu Chengying is really still alive, his life will definitely be worse than death!

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