Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

Chapter 2500 Mu Chengying...isn't dead yet! (8)

In the main hall, there was once again complete silence.

Moreover, this time, everyone looked at Li Moying with awe and fear!

Many people have heard about how powerful Cangxuan Sword Sect's Ten Thousand Swords Formation is.

However, rumors are just rumors after all, no matter how powerful the rumor is, it is not as good as seeing it with your own eyes!

Chi Xiaojiu from Lihuo Palace has also been one of the top experts in Emperor Ling City in recent years, and most of the dozens of warriors from the Six Great Sacred Grounds behind him are also at the peak of the Ninth Layer Realm!

With such strength, no matter where you go or what kind of enemy you face, you can almost easily win!

However, in front of the Great Formation of Thousand Swords, they were so vulnerable.

Li Moying just moved his fingers, and so many masters were defeated by him, like a pile of the dirtiest and most disgusting garbage, they were mercilessly swept out...

What kind of terrifying power is this!

It's unimaginable!

Li Moying's expression was condensed, his eyes were as deep as ink, and he took a step forward.

At this moment, a small white hand stretched out from the side and grabbed his sleeve, "Mo Ying?"

Hearing the girl's soft voice in his ears, the coldness in Li Moying's eyes instantly melted, revealing a bit of tenderness, and said in a low voice: "Xiao Li'er, I'm sorry today, it's all because I didn't handle it well. , made our wedding so chaotic. Just wait for me a little longer..."

"Oh, okay."

The girl's voice sounded a little coquettish, but her slender fingers relaxed.

Li Moying stepped forward again, towards the gate of the Floating Sword Palace.

He crossed the entire main hall and walked in front of all the warriors, but none of them dared to look up at him.

When Li Moying passed by, everyone lowered their heads and adopted a gesture of submission.

The main hall was unusually quiet, only the sound of Li Moying's boots on the jade floor.


Outside the palace gate, Chi Xiaojiu and the others fell to the ground in embarrassment, their injuries were serious, but their lives were not in danger.

In order not to hurt the ordinary guests in the main hall who actually came to congratulate, Li Moying deliberately suppressed the power of the Wanjian formation, controlled the sword energy in a very small range, and only dealt with people from the six holy places.

If this was not the case, but if the Wanjian Great Formation was allowed to unleash its full power, I am afraid that there would be no one alive in the main hall at this time.

Chi Xiaojiu struggled to stand up, clutching his chest, his face turned blue, he suffered more mental blows than physical traumas.

"How is it possible? What is going on here?? Why can Li Moying, that kid, display the power of the Ten Thousand Swords Formation??"

Behind him is the gloomy head of the Heavenly Demon Sect. He is already a veteran master who is over a hundred years old. He hasn't made a move in person for decades. Thinking of it, but he missed in front of so many warriors and lost such a big man!

"What's going on here?? Palace Master Chi, before you came, didn't you promise that Mu Chengying was no longer alive?"

Chi Xiaojiu was scolded like this, and he was even more angry, "Master Huamen, are you questioning whether Master Zhan's news is fake?"

Hearing Lord Zhan's name, Master Hua secretly trembled, "I...I didn't mean that..."

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