Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

Chapter 2556 The True Holy Phoenix Clan (4)

Huang Yueli turned her head to look at him, then blinked innocently, "What's wrong?"

Li Moying grabbed the snow fox cloak on the side and draped it over Huang Yueli's body. With her slender fingers, she gently tied the tie.

He looked around, then nodded in satisfaction, "Okay, it will be much warmer this way, let's go out secretly, so as not to disturb my father-in-law."

Huang Yueli smiled sweetly at him, "Thank you husband."

Li Moying looked at her with such a smile, and then heard her soft voice calling him "husband", and suddenly half of his bones were brittle.

He held Huang Yueli's hand, and the two of them passed through the teleportation array and came to the extreme north ice field.

The frozen area has a good view, and the stars in the sky are twinkling, like pearls embroidered on black velvet, with a luxurious aura.

Huang Yueli leaned against Li Moying's arms, quietly looked at the sky, without saying a word.

Li Moying's strong arms were wrapped around her waist, and she stayed silently by her side all the time, without disturbing her thoughts.

After a while, Huang Yueli suddenly asked, "Mo Ying, do you have something to hide from me?"

Li Moying didn't expect her to ask such a question suddenly, and her heart skipped a beat.

Could it be that Liu Buyan leaked his secret?

Despite his doubts, he remained as calm as possible and said, "Why do you say that? What can I hide from you?"

Huang Yueli turned her head, staring at him with eyes as bright as stars, "Okay, if you say no, then don't! Then tell me, can I get mother out smoothly?"

This question is much easier to answer, Li Moying immediately said: "Of course, don't think about it, my mother-in-law will be fine!"

"En!" Huang Yueli nodded vigorously, turned around and hugged Li Moying's waist, "With you by my side, I don't have to worry about anything."

A smile appeared on the corner of Li Moying's mouth, and he held her tightly in his arms.

Huang Yueli didn't know when she fell asleep, nor when she came back to the cave.

When she woke up in the morning, she was already lying on the ice bed in the cave.

Li Moying also just got up, was getting dressed by the bed, when he heard the sound of her getting up, he turned and walked over.

"Little Li'er, you woke up so early? You slept very late yesterday, do you want to sleep a little longer?"

Huang Yueli shook her head, "No need, I still have to go and see my father, I don't know what's going on with him."

Li Moying said: "Poyu has come to report this morning, saying that your father has woken up, but his body is still very weak..."

"Really? Then I'm going to see Daddy!"

Huang Yueli jumped up, quickly put on her clothes, washed up briefly, and ran to Bai Liufeng's yard impatiently.

"Daddy, how are you doing?"

Hearing Huang Yueli's cry, everyone in the room turned their heads to look over.

Huang Yueli dragged Li Moying in and found that Liu Buyan had arrived, sitting in front of the bed, taking Bai Liufeng's pulse.

"Senior Brother, you came so early? How is Daddy?" Huang Yueli walked to the bed and asked with concern.

Bai Liufeng coughed lightly, and replied before Liu Buyan: "Li girl, daddy is fine, it's just that his energy is exhausted and he's just fainted, you don't have to worry..."

Hearing this, Huang Yueli nodded, "Since Daddy is fine, I am relieved, then...Should Daddy also tell us why you left without saying goodbye?"

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