Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

Chapter 2581 Crack the soul! (1)

"Come on, tell me to go down. Starting today, all the clansmen will take turns. Except for the disciples on duty, everyone else will go out and search for me! Search the entire frozen area for me! Be sure to give this hidden genius to him. I'll find it!" Master Zhan said with a gloomy face.

Naturally, no one dared to object, and they all responded obediently, and went down to prepare for the mission.

However, the cooperation of his subordinates failed to make Mr. Zhan look better, on the contrary, he looked even colder.

"Unexpectedly, such a peerless genius came out of the Holy Phoenix Clan! I barely reached the standard of an earth-level genius, but this person has already reached the sky-level! A way to break through the space barrier. I just want to be able to take credit once, and after arriving in the God Realm in the future, I can get more cultivation resources from the family lineage! But now..."

"If such a heaven-level genius appears in the branch of Tianling Continent, no matter how much credit I make, I won't be able to compare with him! I will always be reduced to his foil, and the resources I get can only He picked the rest..."

"No... I can't allow such a stumbling block to exist! I must... get rid of him!"

Lord Zhan cursed coldly, the light in his eyes became even colder.


From that day on, members of the Holy Phoenix Clan began to go out in batches to search for this mysterious genius of their own clan.

Their abnormal behavior made Bai Liufeng and others feel strange.

Originally, Cang Pojun and others would go to the vicinity of Fengxue Palace every day to observe the rising situation of the palace and the movements of the Holy Phoenix Clan.

This task is not difficult to complete, because they have almost touched the formation mechanism around them, as long as they pay attention to avoiding the traps and patrolling Holy Phoenix warriors, there is not much danger.

However, now they found that there were too many disciples of the Holy Phoenix Clan coming in and out every day.

Moreover, as soon as these people left the palace gate, they would disperse in all directions and start a carpet search, as if they were looking for something.

This made Cangpo Army's investigation work even more difficult.

Several times, their whereabouts were almost exposed. In desperation, they could only choose to hide in the cave as much as possible, and only went out to have a look occasionally.

However, fortunately, Master Yuxu deserves to be the real master of the god-level formation technique in ancient times. His cave is hidden enough that even if all the members of the Holy Phoenix Clan are dispatched, they pass by this snow mountain several times. No one could see anything unusual.

Seeing that they couldn't do anything else, everyone calmed down and worked hard to improve their cultivation.

Huang Yueli's progress was the fastest.

Ever since she successfully advanced to the eighth level, and even condensed the shadow of the holy phoenix, Huang Yueli's cultivation began to improve by leaps and bounds!

After only seven or eight days of advancing to the eighth level, he entered another small level and reached the second level of the eighth level! Moreover, it is still rapidly attacking the third layer of the Eighth Layer Realm.

In the middle of the night, Liu Buyan had just finished reading a medical book and was about to fall asleep.

Suddenly, someone knocked on the door.

"It's so late, who is outside?"

"Senior brother, it's me..." Huang Yueli's sweet and soft voice sounded softly.

Liu Buyan was taken aback, jumped up from the bed, grabbed a coat and put it on his body, and rushed to open the door.

"Junior Sister, why is it you? What happened?"

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