Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

Chapter 2597 She Knows (6)

Li Moying slowly approached her, took her into his arms again, and said in a low voice: "Little Li'er, I really don't have any discomfort right now, if it can't be cured, it can't be cured."

"However, your cultivation...has been unable to break through, it must be a kind of torture for you!" Huang Yueli said worriedly.

Li Moying looked at her, with a slight smile on the corner of his mouth, "I knew you would say that. Don't worry about me, even if I can't improve my cultivation, I can still practice a few more profound skills, and I can still protect you Or, when your cultivation base surpasses mine, you will despise me as a husband?"

"Ah? How come? I can't possibly despise you!" Huang Yueli's eyes widened and she shook her head desperately.

Li Moying smiled and said, "Really?"

"Of course!" Huang Yueli nodded vigorously, "No matter what your cultivation level is, I like you! Don't worry, if one day I become stronger than you, I will protect you!"

"Then I'm relieved, Xiao Li'er..." Li Moying's voice became even deeper, even a little bit charming.

Huang Yueli looked at the handsome face that suddenly magnified in front of her eyes, her cheeks flushed instantly.

"You...don't come closer, we...we're talking about business..." She swallowed.

Li Moying's thin lips were almost pressed against her face, "The business has been finished. Now, let's talk about what crime you should have for leaving your husband in the middle of the night and running into your brother's room." Bar?"

"I... this, this..." Speaking of this, Huang Yueli also felt a little guilty.

In addition, Li Moying deliberately released her masculine charm, she just stared at the man's face, for a while, she forgot all the rest of the questions.

The corners of Li Moying's mouth raised, lowered her head, and gently covered the lips of the girl in her arms.

Liu Buyan originally stood aside tremblingly, fearing that the lie would be exposed by Huang Yueli.

Unexpectedly, after such an incense stick of time, the style of painting suddenly changed in front of her eyes. Huang Yueli, who was aggressive just now, suddenly turned into a little fox whose fur was patted down, and Li Moying, who was extremely shameless Man, he actually used a beauty trick!

This scene of dog abuse made Liu Buyan feel sour, not to mention how upset he was!

"Damn, what a hell!" He gritted his teeth, cursed, turned and left!


After Huang Yueli and Li Moying finished talking, their relationship took another big step forward.

The previous estrangement caused by various misunderstandings is no longer there, and the two have once again returned to their inseparable state.

For this situation, the most unhappy person is Bai Liufeng.

Finally, using the excuse of cultivation, he snatched his precious daughter back. It's only been a few days, and he was abducted by that brat again?

It's so strange, it's just one night, what kind of soup did Li Moying pour Li girl?

Bai Liufeng felt unhappy, so he made excuses to educate Huang Yueli several times.

However, Huang Yueli promised well, and when night came, she couldn't wait to return to Li Moying's side, kissing me and going.

This made Bai Liufeng depressed and sad at the same time.

However, he didn't have much time to worry about these things. His main energy was spent on training and preparing for the decisive battle.

More than a month passed quickly, and one morning, after Cang Pojun went out to check on time, he returned a message.

Fengxue Palace has completely risen to the ground!

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