Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

Chapter 2613 Blood Moon Ascension (4)

"But... how can this work?" Everyone looked at each other, not knowing what was going on.

Bai Liufeng said angrily: "No, I said, I will never leave! Since you are afraid of hurting these juniors, let them leave first, and I will accompany you!"

"No, you can't, you have to leave too!" Huang Siluo panicked, exhausted her last bit of strength, and shouted loudly: "Hurry up and take our daughter with you! Question, even if I die, I will never forgive you!"

"You..." Bai Liu was so angry that he really wished he could wake up the woman in his arms!

To say such words to force him to leave!

However, what she didn't understand was that even so, it was impossible for him to abandon her!

He has been separated from Huang Siluo for fifteen years, and he will never let her leave him again!

On the other side, Li Moying hugged Huang Yueli nervously, "Little Li'er, what's the matter with you? I see that your face is getting paler and paler! How about we leave here first?"

Huang Yueli shook her head, her voice was not high, but her tone was very firm, "No, I can't leave Mother behind, and besides, I don't have any serious problems, I just feel...a little anemic?"

Liu Buyan glanced at her from the side, frowned and said, "You are indeed a symptom of depletion of essence and blood, eat this elixir quickly."

He threw a Jun porcelain medicine bottle in Huang Yueli's hand, then turned to look at Huang Siluo.

Huang Yueli poured out three elixir to replenish essence and blood, and swallowed them all, her face immediately recovered a lot.

She immediately pushed Li Moying away, and walked quickly to Huang Siluo's side.

"Mother, don't keep urging us to leave. Tell us what happened to you! Let's think of a way together and see how to deal with it! Master Zhan is powerful, but we also They are not weak, mother, don't worry too much!"

Huang Yueli wanted to forcibly take Huang Siluo to leave.

However, the current situation does not allow her to do so.

It seemed that every time they took a step forward, Huang Siluo's injury would get worse. If they didn't figure out the reason for this situation, Huang Siluo would be dying before they reached the teleportation array.

Huang Siluo looked at everyone's resolute attitude, and knew that she would not tell the truth, so these people refused to leave.

She could only sigh, coughed twice, and said, "Don't you guys notice that the bloody smell in Fengxue Palace is getting heavier and heavier?"

Everyone was taken aback, only to realize that the surrounding smell had indeed become very strange, almost nauseating.

Because the air was already filled with the smell of blood, and everyone was in a hurry, so they ignored this point.

Huang Siluo didn't wait for their response, and continued on, "This shows that Huang Zhanxiao has officially started the sacrifice ceremony and is constantly drawing energy from the blood moon formation. If there is enough energy in the formation, , the few of us are naturally safe, but now that I suddenly vomit blood, it proves that the blood essence of human warriors collected by Huang Zhanxiao using the blood moon array is not enough to support this sacrifice, so he has to take More ruthless means!"

"What... What method?" Bai Liufeng was cold all over, and his voice trembled slightly.

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