Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

Chapter 2616 Blood Moon Ascension (7)

Whatever the cause, one thing is clear.

If they couldn't even complete the first step today, and the blood moon that condensed such a powerful blood essence couldn't rise to the sky, then there would be no way to talk about the following ceremonies!

If this is the case, they have spent decades and all their efforts will be in vain!

And, that's not the worst.

What's more terrible is that the blood moon formation, an evil method handed down from ancient times, was originally a magic technique that only the demons would use, because it is too harmful and unreasonable!

Therefore, he had to use the blood of the most holy saint in the clan to sacrifice!

It's good if the evil method succeeds, but if it fails, it means that the entire Holy Phoenix Clan will be backlashed by the blood moon formation!

All the warriors who were killed in the blood moon formation, all the pain they experienced, will be returned to the members of the Holy Phoenix Clan multiplied!

Among them, the one who ended up the worst was Mr. Zhan who presided over the sacrificial ceremony.

Once the blood moon blows back, his fate will definitely be dizzy! Moreover, before his soul dissipated, he had to endure endless pain!

Because of this, the warriors of the Holy Phoenix Clan became impetuous when they saw that the blood moon was stagnant and Lord Zhan was pale.

Although they didn't dare to speak, many people were secretly making eye contact with each other, and their expressions all revealed the uneasiness in their hearts.

Master Zhan is in the center of the formation, but from the corner of his eye, he has already seen the reactions of all the warriors.

He suddenly let out a cold snort.

This sound was like a thunderbolt exploding in mid-air!

Lord Zhan's strength was superb, and his voice carried the coercion of his profound strength, which immediately made the clansmen present stiff all over, and they didn't dare to talk nonsense anymore.

"Everyone, the blood moon is about to rise to the sky, and now it is the last moment! Everyone injects profound energy into the formation, and continues to pray devoutly. Before the blood moon rises to the sky, everyone is not allowed to stop!"

Master Zhan's majestic voice resounded in the air.

The warriors of the Holy Phoenix Clan were overwhelmed by his strength, and none of them dared to slack off in the slightest, and hurriedly started praying again.

No one noticed, but when Mr. Zhan was speaking, the coldness in his eyes flashed, and he had already made a final decision in his heart!

The prayers of the clansmen became more and more orderly and louder, and their profound strength gradually gathered in the blood moon formation.

Everyone understands that this is a moment that is related to the life and death of the entire ethnic group, and no one dares to hide their selfishness, and they all contributed their own strength.

After all, as long as the space barrier is broken through, the concentration of the profound energy of the heavens and the earth doubles instantly, and all the profound energy they lost can be easily made up through cultivation.

And if the casting of the spell fails...then everyone will end up dead without a place to die!

Mr. Zhan listened to the voice in his ears, with an indifferent expression, looking down on everyone from above.

It seems that he has arrived in another world, and those tribesmen below him no longer belong to the same space.

Finally, when the profound strength had gathered to a limit, Master Zhan made another move!


A cold and stern voice sounded.

Mr. Zhan pointed out with his finger that the blood moon that stayed in mid-air rose upward again!

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