Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

Chapter 2654 It turns out that you have been hiding it from me (6)


"Xiao Li'er—!"

Li Moying noticed that she had fallen and wanted to catch her, but now that he couldn't protect himself, he was still a step too late, so he could only watch Huang Yueli fall to the ground, with all four feet in the air.

Fortunately, in Tianhuangjue's garden, the ground is fertile and soft soil, so she didn't get hurt from falling, but she just looks disheveled and embarrassed.

Huang Yueli stood up, without patting the ashes off her body, she just looked down at the ground.

After looking at it, she realized that on the ground, there were a lot of various pills, profound weapons, materials, etc. scattered in a mess, all of which looked familiar.

"What is this?" Huang Yueli frowned.

Xiao Wangcai explained weakly at the side: "This, this... All the profound weapons will be suppressed by the power of the ancient artifacts and become invalid after entering the Tianhuang Jue, so your space rings are useless. All my things fell on the ground. I can’t blame me for not reminding you, whoever told you to walk without looking at the road, you deserve it if you fall..."

Xiao Wangcai was anxious to get rid of her responsibilities, but Huang Yueli didn't pay much attention to what it said. Her eyes were already attracted by a light golden scroll on the ground.

This scroll is the culprit who caused her to fall to the ground.

All of Li Moying's belongings were handed over to his wife for safekeeping, so Huang Yueli basically knew what he had in his interspatial ring.

However, this scroll looked quite unfamiliar, no matter how Huang Yueli thought about it, she couldn't remember that she had seen it before.

Moreover, this scroll exudes a faint golden light. It is not an ordinary thing at first glance, it is probably a treasure, and the outside is sealed with a seal pattern, which looks very confidential.

She bent down subconsciously, just wanting to pick it up and examine it.

However, as soon as Huang Yueli moved, Li Moying also moved.

He measured his body in Huang Yueli's direction without any trace, and his arm just pressed the scroll.

Huang Yueli pinched the scroll with three fingers and pulled it up, but failed to pick it up, so she couldn't help being startled, "Mo Ying?"

Li Moying pretended not to realize what she wanted to do, and glanced at the door of the hall, "Xiao Li'er, don't you want to search in the room, is there any treasure that can be used?"

Huang Yueli came back to her senses, and she was distracted, "Ah, oh! That's right!"

"Time is running out, you better go!"

Huang Yueli nodded, "Okay, I'll go over now!'re not allowed to move around, and use your kung fu to heal your injuries here, you know?"

Li Moying readily agreed.

Only then did Huang Yueli turn around and leave in a hurry.

Seeing her entering the hall without looking back, Li Moying exhaled a long breath, raised his limp right hand, and wiped the cold sweat from his forehead!

Almost, almost his biggest secret was about to be exposed by Huang Yueli!

Inside that golden scroll is nothing else but the fragmented pages of "Liu Yunjuan" that he got from Liu Buyan!

At that time, after he snatched the torn page, his first reaction was to destroy it. In this way, the content recorded on the torn page became a secret that only he and Liu Buyan knew. will get out.

However, Li Moying tried many methods, no matter whether it was tearing or pouring water and fire, they couldn't destroy this seemingly fragile and flimsy paper!

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