Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

Chapter 2668 The real strong (2)

Lord Zhan frowned, not realizing what happened yet.

The blood moon formation has been operating normally today, and it has been more than half an hour since Huang Yueli and Li Moying fell into it, and it is estimated that there is only one breath left at most.

Everything is going so smoothly, success seems to be in sight.

Mr. Zhan did not doubt that he was there, so he made a new hand formula, and shouted: "Take it!"

However, this time, he still didn't receive any power of essence and blood. The pool of blood under his feet was still turbulent and rolling, but at this moment, it suddenly calmed down, like a pool of stagnant water, calm and calm.

Master Zhan had a bad premonition in his heart, and he became a little flustered.

"What's going on? Why did the Blood Moon Formation suddenly fail at such a critical time? What's wrong?"

He thought about it quickly, but couldn't figure out what he did wrong.

Mr. Zhan stretched out both hands, facing the direction of the blood pool, continuously making various hand formulas, and at the same time shouted loudly and eagerly: "Take it! Take it! Take it!"

"Collect, collect, collect—! Hurry up and collect it for me!!"

"Damn it! What the hell is going on! Why can't I receive the power of essence and blood!"

Lord Zhan really panicked at this moment, all this is really too weird, completely different from what he expected before!

"Damn it, damn it! Why is this happening? Has the energy of the Blood Moon Formation been used up again? How is that possible? Those are two god-level peerless geniuses, and they are rare in the God Realm. That damn girl is still of the blood of the God Clan , Could it be that extracting their essence, blood and spirit roots can only extract such a small amount of energy? Impossible!"

How powerful a warrior's blood essence is depends almost entirely on his talent.

That's why Lord Zhan was so excited when he caught Huang Yueli and Li Moying!

He thought that with the two of them, everything would be fine, but in the end... there was another accident!

But at this time, due to the sudden decrease in the power of essence and blood, it even disappeared.

The blood moon that had risen to the top in the sky seemed unable to maintain its current height, and began to shake, looking precarious.

Realizing this, Mr. Zhan suddenly became more nervous.

Now, he is already on the verge of breaking out, and he has no choice but to send it out!

If the blood moon is allowed to fall, not only will his dream of ascension to the God Realm come to naught, but what's more serious is that the blood moon contains so many warriors' blood essence, once it falls, it will detonate instantly!

This force is incomparably powerful, even comparable to the self-destruct power of the strongest Ming Xuan Realm expert in the God Realm!

Under such power, the entire Arctic ice sheet will be razed to the ground in an instant!

Even though Fengxue Palace is a palace built by the ancient gods, it can't resist such a force, and it will definitely be completely crushed immediately.

And he, Huang Zhanxiao, will naturally be wiped out as well!

The cold sweat on Mr. Zhan's back continued to break out, his heart was full of fear and impatience, and he kept yelling "receive it!"

However, all this is in vain.

The water in the blood pool shook slightly, but it didn't release energy. Instead, it formed a shallow vortex, which in turn absorbed the energy from outside.

Master Zhan couldn't believe his eyes.

"Impossible! Impossible! How could the blood moon array absorb energy?"

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