Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

Chapter 2672 The real strong (6)

Seeing Mr. Zhan approaching step by step, but even self-destruction has become an extravagant hope, Bai Liufeng's heart is extremely desperate.

Although his willpower is strong enough and he is not afraid of any severe torture, but he does not want to die tragically in front of Huang Siluo...

However, now he has no way to get relief...

Lord Zhan drew his sword and swung it at Bai Liufeng!

However, before his sword edge touched Bai Liufeng, he felt an extremely powerful force coming from behind him!

This profound force was not only powerful and pure, but also so fast that he didn't even have time to react, and he was directly sent flying!


Master Zhan spit out blood in the air, and even spit out several teeth on the spot.

Immediately, his body hit the rock on the edge of the blood pool heavily!

"You... what..."

Lord Zhan was hit so hard that his eyes were staring, and his mind was dizzy.

When he finally recovered a little bit of consciousness, he wanted to see what happened, but when he opened his mouth, he spat out several teeth, and the strong smell of blood in his mouth almost choked him to death.

Moreover, because the teeth were knocked out too much, he couldn't even speak clearly, and he could only make vague sounds from his mouth.

At the same time, the bones and meridians in his whole body seemed to be completely shattered.

Lord Zhan only felt pain and itching all over his body, as if being eaten by countless insects from the inside of his body, but he couldn't even move a finger, and his whole body seemed to be a pool of mud.

He looked in the direction of the blood pool in shock and fear.

In the hazy blood mist, a tall and straight figure slowly appeared above the blood pool.

He stood upright in the air, holding a long sword with purple lightning flashing upside down in his hand, behind him was a pair of dazzling thunder wings!

"Zong... Master Suzerain!"

Cang Pojun and Cang Poyu recognized their master at the first time, for a moment, they almost cried with joy!

"Sovereign Lord, really didn't die! Great, great! The subordinates know that you can't die at the hands of such a despicable villain!"

After being stunned for a while, Bai Liufeng and Huang Siluo also showed ecstatic expressions.

"It's Mo Ying! Unexpectedly, even the Blood Moon Formation couldn't trap him! Now...he's saved!"

Only Liu Buyan, after a brief surprise, suddenly thought of something, and the expression on his face became gloomy.

Lord Zhan had also seen clearly the face of the man who came out of the blood pool at this time, he was extremely shocked, his mind went blank, "No...this can't be true! Li... How could Li Moying be still alive? I... must be dreaming... must be dreaming..."

Li Moying walked towards Mr. Zhan silently without any expression on his handsome face.

Thunder attribute profound energy continuously escaped from him.

Wherever he walked, the fluctuations in the air became chaotic, as if he couldn't bear the powerful force in his body.

Li Moying walked up to Mr. Zhan, stopped, and looked down at him coldly.

Even if Li Moying just stood still, Master Zhan could feel how powerful his body was, it even far surpassed Master Zhan's sudden increase in strength after eating the evil pill refined by the root bones of human warriors!

Li Moying at this time is really too strong!

So strong that Master Zhan only had despair and fear in his heart, and he didn't have the slightest hope of competing with him!

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