Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

Chapter 2726 Tenth Heaven (8)

Li Moying lowered his eyes, staring at the girl in his arms, rolled his Adam's apple up and down, and opened his mouth with difficulty.

"Xiao Li'er, I... I have my own way! You'd better get out of here quickly! With your current cultivation base, you won't be able to help me at all, but will distract me..."

Hearing this, Huang Yueli bit her lips, obviously displeased.

Li Moying's chest felt sore, he didn't know if he could survive the catastrophe before him, maybe he would be separated from Huang Yueli forever, originally, he didn't want to disappoint Huang Yueli at such a moment ,But……

If Huang Yueli doesn't leave, she won't be able to survive!

Just as the two were entangled, the robbery cloud in the sky fell faster and faster, and it was only a few thousand meters away from the top of the two of them.

At such a close distance, the air around the two of them has formed an extremely violent energy vortex, and it is getting tighter and tighter. This kind of power is enough to make a martial artist at the peak of the Ninth Layer Realm vomit blood and die on the spot!

Even Bai Liufeng couldn't resist, he forcibly picked up Huangsiluo who refused to leave, and took her far away.

After Huang Yueli fused with Tianhuang Jue, her physique was greatly enhanced, even stronger than many tenth-level fighters in the God Realm, otherwise, she would have exploded and died by now!

Even so, her face was pale, and her chest was constantly heaving, as if she couldn't hold it anymore!

With the situation at stake, Li Moying was extremely anxious, "Xiao Li'er, you are obedient, hurry up and leave!"

He had no choice now, for Huang Yueli's safety, he couldn't care about anything else, so he clasped Huang Yueli's slender waist with both hands, and was about to throw her out with brute force!

Even if you accidentally hurt her, it's better than letting her die here!

However, just as he was about to make a move, there was a sharp hissing sound in mid-air!

The sound seemed to tear the air, and it made people's eardrums hurt!

At the same time, the pressure on the two of them became countless times stronger in an instant!

The small piece of calamity cloud in the sky suddenly accelerated and fell down, like a thunderbolt, directly falling on the top of the two of them!

Li Moying was caught off guard, and could only rely on instinct to open the minefield!

The explosive thunder-attributed energy rapidly expanded in less than a breath, forming a light curtain made entirely of energy, forcibly meeting the powerful force falling from the sky!

Although the time was short, the profound energy in Li Moying's body could be retracted and released freely, and it quickly began to function, releasing all the remaining power!

In order to protect the girl in his arms, he has already used all the hole cards he has accumulated in his two lifetimes!

Tens of thousands of energy clusters were constantly detonating around him.


There was a deafening explosion!

Li Moying's thunder-attributed energy collided with Jieyun, causing continuous explosions. Under the impact of the huge energy, the entire Arctic Ice Field flickered, and the violent energy raged everywhere, like a ghost land!

Li Moying barely resisted Jieyun's first wave of energy, preventing it from falling down immediately!

However, the two streams of energy were deadlocked in mid-air, and the energy in the Jieyun was continuous, as if there was no limit, and it was constantly impacting downwards!

Li Moying had to do his best to resist the impact in midair. As long as he relaxed a little, Jieyun would immediately fall to the ground, engulfing him and Huang Yueli, tearing him apart...

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