Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

Chapter 2753 It's actually Huang Yueli! (8)

No one expected that she actually had the intention of letting everyone go.

However, the warriors only hesitated for a few breaths before they all reacted.

All of them had their legs go limp, knelt on the ground, kowtowed continuously, and shouted repeatedly: "Madam Li, we are willing to serve the Cangxuan Sword Sect!"

"Madam Li, please accept us, we are willing to be the lowest slaves and serve all Cangxuan Sword Sect disciples!"

"Madam Li, please accept us!"

Just now I felt that I was bound to die, but now I have a chance to escape from death. Such a huge contrast made these genius disciples of powerful forces who were usually pretentious, completely confused, and lost their usual pride and backbone long ago.

Huang Yueli stood on the spot with cold eyes, and nodded after everyone kowtowed until their foreheads were bruised.

"I don't need you to be the lowest slaves, just eat these pills."

Huang Yueli took out several porcelain bottles from her sleeves, and signaled to the disciples on Yunxue Tianzhou to distribute them.

"Someone must know these elixirs, they are the fifth-grade elixir corpse insect pill! After eating the corpse insect pill, you need to go to the Cangxuan Sword Sect to receive the antidote every month, otherwise, you will be killed by the corpse insect. die!"

Evil elixir such as Corpse Insect Pill is naturally very famous in Tianling Continent. None of the warriors present, whether they are old monsters or young disciples, have never heard of it.

I heard that if the antidote is not taken in time, the pain of being pierced by corpse insects is enough to make people go crazy on the spot, and even go to the pigsty to eat shit by themselves!

Moreover, he couldn't die for a while, and he would die after going crazy for ten days and half a month!

Hearing that the one in their hands was actually such an evil poison pill, the warriors were all shocked and showed hesitation.

Huang Yueli didn't rush, but just waited coldly for them to make a decision.

In the end, the warriors present still closed their eyes and swallowed the Corpse Insect Pill one by one.

After all, everyone would rather live longer than die now.

Seeing this, Huang Yueli nodded and said, "You don't have to worry too much, as long as you are loyal to the Cangxuan Sword Sect, pass my test and perform well, I will not only detoxify you thoroughly, You can also pass on the inheritance cheats of the Cangxuan Sword Sect!"

Everyone was stunned, and a trace of ecstasy flashed in their eyes!

They came to the Cangxuan Sword Sect to make trouble today, for the inheritance of the Cangxuan Sword Sect!

Now, Huang Yueli actually said that as long as they behaved well, it would be possible for them to obtain the inheritance of the Cangxuan Sword Sect!

With such a good thing, who can not do his best?

When they took the elixir just now, many people were still extremely entangled in pain, but at this moment, they all felt lucky.

For a moment, all the warriors forgot the pain of being a slave, and all of them sang praises to Huang Yueli and the others.

Huang Yueli looked at them nonchalantly, the corners of her mouth slightly raised.

She had known for a long time that after Li Moying left, there would definitely be some miscellaneous people who thought that the Cangxuan Sword Sect had no masters, and would covet them. Therefore, she made a bold move today to let these people see the Cangxuan Sword Sect. strength!

Let the entire Tianling Continent know that even without Li Moying, the Cangxuan Sword Sect is the number one holy land that cannot be defeated!

And she used bloody means to kill Mrs. Ling and other leading fighters, also to show the whole continent that she is definitely not a soft-hearted person!

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